Q3-movement isn't "more advanced", it's different.
The fact that it depends so much on timing and hardware makes me think Quake's version is actually worse. Hardware should never ever dictate movement-speed in a virtual world. That is just so wrong on so many levels.
I think that part of the reason for this 'lack of fluidity' is that trick-jumps are/were supposed to be a neat feature to get to a higher platform and they were never really intended to be a replacement for running.
I have the feeling (and I really hope) that it's going to be even worse (for the monkeys-on-speed) in this new version.
Q3's movement is for a more advanced player, it has less limits and a longer learning curve.
People's movement in ut2k4 is limited by hardware too, just not as literally as in Q3. In ut2k4 trialmaps that weren't optimized well, I couldn't do even a fourth of the things I could if I was getting an even 35 fps without any jerkiness on a better hardware setup. I also heard that there was a setting that let players with bad hardware benefit from the same things players with 125+ fps do, other than getting 125+ LoL.
Yes. The shieldgun in ut2004 was a very neat feature that let players get to higher places in exchange for some health. It worked very well. The shieldgun could only do melee damage, so it was the perfect weapon to put this jumping ability into. All other weapon's momentum was nerfed.
I like jumping around a level, even in MOHAA I jumped around levels and walked on the railings instead of the ground, jumped onto wires and posts and those were challenging things that I was rewarded for, these were hard to do. In utk2k4 shieldgun jumps are easy and there is a low risk of failure, in-game jumps are basically reduced to computing what's worth the damage, not the chance of failing a jump. There is a little element of
how much should I charge the shieldgun to save health, but do enough self momentum to make the jump, however.
There are some TDM map jumps, that have a big risk of failure element(ut2k3 especially), but are also benefitting to the player, probably close or equal to many of Q3's. But, I was speaking for trickjumping, not actual gameplay.
If anyone says they don't care about trickjumping, then I say I don't care that they don't care about trickjumping, because I was posting regarding trickjumping, not TDM, and I love blueberries!