UT Q3 remakes for UT (latest links)

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enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
Q3DM1 - Arena Gate
DM-Q3DM1 (by ?) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsQ/&file=dm-q3dm1_a.zip
DM-QIII_ArenaGate (by DrunKenobi) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsQ/&file=dm-qiii_arenagate.zip
DM-Q3ArenaG8 (by lucifix aka mourningstar) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsQ/&file=dm-q3-arenagate.zip
DM-ArenaGate][ (by Fluffy) > http://www.unrealplayground.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=609
DM-Q3 (by Genazo) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsQ/&file=dm-q3.zip
DM-Q3ArenaG8_V2 (by lucifix aka mourningstar) > http://www.unrealplayground.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=6688 (but you'll need the mourningstar.utx file from this map for it to run > http://www.unrealplayground.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=6740)

Q3DM2 - House Of Pain
DM-Q3HouseOfPain (by DrunKenobi) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsQ/&file=dm-qiii_houseofpain.zip
DM-HouseOfPain_V2 (by TNT) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsH/&file=dm-houseofpain_v2.zip (you'll need this DL to play this map: http://www.gamefront.com/files/15791133/UTChaosMap_u_zip)

Q3DM3 - Arena Of Death
DM-1on1-Q3DM3-ArenaOfDeath (by Witchboy) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/Maps0/&file=dm-1on1-q3dm3-arenaofdeath.zip

Q3DM4 - The Place Of Many Deaths
DM-Place Of Many Deaths (by Markus Wallmuller) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsP/&file=dm-place_of_many_deaths.zip
DM-Q3PlaceOfManyDeaths (by DrunKenobi) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsQ/&file=dm-qiii_placeofmanydeaths.zip

Q3DM6 - The Camping Grounds
DM-Campingrounds-LE (by SmileY) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsC/&file=dm-campingrounds-le.zip
DM-Campground (by Copperman) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsC/&file=dm-campground.zip

Q3DM7 - Temple Of Retribution
DM-Retribution][ (by Edward Duke-Cox) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsR/&file=dm-retribution][.zip

Q3DM17 - The Longest Yard
DM-Q3DM17 (by Mogh) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsQ/&file=dm-q3dm17.zip
DM-Q317][ (by DavidM) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsQ/&file=dm-q317][.zip
DM-LongestYard][ (by Mambo) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsL/&file=dm-longestyard][.zip; http://ut.gamersmafia.com/descargas/show/9281; http://uttexture.com/UT/Downloads/Maps/DeathMatch/MapsL/dm-longestyard][.zip
DM-Q3DM17 (by MoonFlyer aka chonglee aka xblue?) > http://sites.google.com/site/chongleevoxels/dm-q3dm17-1
DM-Q3DM17+ (by Muurhond) > http://www.mapraider.com/maps/?fileid=13; http://www.gamefront.com/files/3753619/Q3dm17plus.zip

Q3Tourney2 - The Proving Grounds
DM-Q3Tourney2 (by YouZack & SED) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsQ/&file=dm-q3t2.zip

Q3Tourney3 - Hell's Gate
DM-HellsGate_v200 (by CyberEmperor) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsH/&file=dm-hellsgate.zip
DM-HellsGate (by TNT) > http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/DeathMatch/MapsH/&file=dm-hellgate(q3t3).zip

That's it, there is no more........unless someone knows something I don't.;)
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enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
You mean that one I just added above.;) Seems it has the same name as Mogh's map, so I'll have to see which one is better to determine which one to keep installed in UT.:)


take a chance
Jun 7, 2001
I made the YmQuakeMove mutator. Just select the mutator from the instant action mutators tab, select one of these maps and you should be good to go. Note teh default native Unreal Engine Physics code does not readily support the "momentum" buildup of strafe jumping (Unreal clamps your velocity to the groundspeed each time you land, preventing you from building up speed while in the air).