UE1 - UT Problem with "state FireRockets" @ UT99

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New Member
Mar 11, 2011
ME <-- Newb to UnrealScript.

I have got ConTEXT, UnrealEd, & UCC MAKE, and I did the 3D Buzz Unreal Script VTM, now working on modding.

ITT I will be discussing my UT_Eightball modding problem from UT99 (original UT is, imho, the only good UT)

So let's get to it!​

I want a rocket launcher that shoots really fast rockets.
I have 2 new/custom "*.uc" files overwriting parts of the originals.

class RocketMaul extends UT_Eightball;
class RocketMaulMk2 extends RocketMk2;

RocketMaul overwrites the weapon name, ammo count, and pickup msg, as well as overwriting "state FireRockets{}".
"state FireRockets{}" is where RocketMaul calls the class RocketMaulMk2 (parallelling how UT_Eightball calls class RocketMk2)

RocketMaulMk2 overwrites the speed/MaxSpeed default properties making for fast rockets.

at this point everything is cool. Fast rockets galore.​

One problem I discover is that, despite my rockets being really fast, they're still slow when operating as seeker missiles. So my thought is to go ahead and make a third custom class overwriting parts of UT_SeekingRocket just like i made RocketMaulMk2 overwrite parts of RocketMk2. In this way, whether RocketMaul calls a regular or a seeker missile, the result can be fast missiles!

Here is a segment from RocketMaul:
if ( Angle > 0 )
					if ( Angle < 3 && !bTightWad)
						FireRot.Yaw = AdjustedAim.Yaw - Angle * 600;
					else if ( Angle > 3.5 && !bTightWad)
						FireRot.Yaw = AdjustedAim.Yaw + (Angle - 3)  * 600;
						FireRot.Yaw = AdjustedAim.Yaw;
if ( LockedTarget != None )
					s = Spawn( class'UT_SeekingRocket',, '', FireLocation,FireRot);
					s.Seeking = LockedTarget;
					s.NumExtraRockets = DupRockets;
					if ( Angle > 0 )
						s.Velocity *= (0.9 + 0.2 * FRand());
					r = Spawn( class'rocketmaulmk2',, '', FireLocation,FireRot);
					r.NumExtraRockets = DupRockets;
					if (RocketsLoaded>4 && bTightWad) r.bRing=True;
					if ( Angle > 0 )
						r.Velocity *= (0.9 + 0.2 * FRand());

The code works until I change

s = Spawn( class'UT_SeekingRocket',, '',
s = Spawn( class'rocketmaulseekingrocket',, '',
s = Spawn( class'Daffyduck',, '',
s = Spawn( class'RocketMaulSeekingRocket',, '',

the error does not seem to be related to any class other than rocketmaul and yes I have double and triple checked to isolate the problem it is DEF in rocketmaul. This is the error that will be haunting my dreams tonight:
: Error, Type mismatch in '='

Line 123 is:

FireRot.Yaw = AdjustedAim.Yaw;

It's weird that ucc says line 123 has a problem when line 123 worked before i changed the class call. I've done a lot of debugging. Spent several hours. Please (hoping somebody still plays UT99). Woo! :D
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May 27, 2005
's' has to equal a specific class or a child of that class so you can call any new variables/functions from it.

If the classes you're spawning are not child of 's' you will get an error as well.


New Member
Mar 11, 2011

yeah, i totally fixed it and it was totally obvious n junk. wow:

local RocketMaulSeekingRocket s;

that was what needed to be changed.

something about a child? yeah, that was probably it.

Thanks for fast response. Clearly I have much to learn.


Active Member
Jan 19, 2006
Get used to it, that's development in a nutshell. If you need one-on-one help feel free to drop me a line.

You can also peruse the source code with my sig link.