Planet Unrealm - Notes, etc.

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Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V
Brilliant! Asteph'theroc entering the threads, and Natalya returning to the story! :)

Now we're cooking with gas.


<LordKhaine>hold on
<LordKhaine>making crack
<LordKhaine>just a sec




PH34R TH3 WAnk??<br><img src="http://markwsucks.ho
Mar 17, 2000

i just want to know where are guys are going and what they are going to do there. i dunno, maybe i missed a hint that PMB dropped for me, hehe.


Nov 24, 1999
Visit site
A few words on my new character, Rufus... Picture an innocent, naive, friendly and playful country boy with good looks and magical abilities. That's basically what he is. :)

Rufus was an abandoned child (I might have more to say of his real parents in future) adopted by an archmage by the name of Gandalf (of whom again I'll say more in a future post). He has this simple, childlike trust in all things, that all things are basically benign. He loves to play and loves magic, but dislikes all that studying needed to master it. Consequently, while he does possess real powers, they are not very great. He can create a light as bright as a candle and cause it to move up to several feet away from him (lasts 1 hour), create a shield around his body which cuts down a little on all forms of damage (lasts 1 hour), heal minor cuts and bruises, and shoot out small magic darts. (They sting very much, but are not lethal.) He can cast these spells as often as he likes, but each time he casts a spell there's a 50-50 chance he'll reach a state of magical fatigue. Once that happens, he'll no longer be able to cast anymore spells until dawn the next day.

Rufus' mentor routinely makes him carry around their library all their huge magical tomes, with a view to honing his sinews. As a result, Rufus is very strongly built. ;) He also dislikes clothes as they hamper his absorption of mana.

Rufus has a magic wand which he made with the help of his mentor as part of an assignment. The wand has the following abilities:

~ Create or destroy up to 10 lbs of non-living, non-magical solid matter of any kind. (Cannot create or destroy anything more precious than silver.)

~ Alter the size, shape, color, texture, type etc. of up to 10 lbs of solid matter. Same restrictions as above.

~ Cause up to 10 lbs of solid matter to levitate and float slowly in any desired direction. Applies to all types of solid matter this time.

~ Create a visual image of anything desired, though only up to an average adult human in size. (Lasts an hour unless 'put out' first.)

~ Cause an extremely bright flash of light that dazzles all living beings that use sight within 30 feet. Affected beings are effectively blind for several minutes. User can specify who will not be affcted at time of use.

As with Rufus, the wand can produce these spell effects as often as desired, but each time there's a 50-50 chance it'll reach a state of magical fatigue. Once that happens, it'll no longer be useable until dawn the next day. If anyone other than Rufus tries to use the wand to produce the effects, their potency is halved (5 lbs, 15 feet etc.) and there's a 50% failure chance (if you fail, you must try again).

One curious thing about Rufus is his truly incredible luck. Somehow things always seem to go his way. Blindfold him and let him walk into a minefield, and somehow he'll always miss the mines or the ones he steps on will always be faulty. If he were to bet, he'd always win somehow. If you try to attack him, somehow you'll trip or there'll be a sudden pain in your side and you'll miss.

How's that for a new character? Hope no one will hate him...;)


PH34R TH3 WAnk??<br><img src="http://markwsucks.ho
Mar 17, 2000
lol sorry about that cammy

i just had this nightmare of Zeus going back in time and impregnating Aspen'theroc's soul mate, and thus making my character pregnant in the present or something like that. i kind of broke off from the main group to get away from the whole gods and goddesses thing, and i imagine that is why PMB decided to introduce his character into my new "plotline" of sorts....

i know you would like to participate, but that doesn't mean you have to fiddle with our new plotline, especially when it is in an infant state and me and PMB are still working out interactions between our characters, etc......


Nov 24, 1999
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I don't particularly enjoy barging into other people's plotlines. I'd far rather leave them alone -- and I expect some reciprocity for that as well, which I'm sure is not too unreasonable a demand.

Unfortunately, someone here (I don't want to be too direct) is bent on making my goddess character look like a stupid young child in comparison with the infinite wisdom of his oh-so-wise-and-caring hero, and furthermore intends to develop the entire thread along lines which just don't look too good for bringing in my goddess. I don't take kindly to this and consider it a plain affront to my part of the RPG thread.

A written RPG should be an enjoyable experience. This means every participant should practise some give-and-take. If I wish to add something to the RPG that might have significant repercussions for your ideas and characters, I should show you my respect by telling you my intentions, asking for your consent, and discussing with you what we can do so we both end up feeling happy, with you granting me some concession and vice versa.

Frankly, I just don't know what everyone's problem is with having a goddess in the RPG. I've already asked, and I got precious little response. No one wanted to discuss it with me. I made a big concession -- my goddess shall only very occasionally appear from now on. Still my goddess was made to look like a fool, indeed a mere dream in the minds of fools.

Well, as Jing said so well, nobody created the Unrealm. We all contribute to it. If that oh-so-wise-and-caring hero were to continue to pose a problem for my employment of my goddess character in the RPG, then I shall reciprocate by making him a full convert to my goddess in a future post. Sorry.


Noli me tangere
Jan 3, 2000
Southern California
turnabout is fair play

cammy, you shouldn't be able to complain about "sudden changes" and changes to characters without their creators express written approval. You're the one who has been most guilty of it *especially the latter*. So if you can do it, Jing can do it too. That's just the way it works.
And thanks, I am ;)


New Member
Apr 17, 2000
First of all

You misquoted me. Someone _did_ create the unrealm, and it is neither I nor you. It is Wolf Blackstar.


You haven't asked for conset or any some such, especially with the panty event, for one example.


You've been plenty happy to interrupt other plotlines, plot devices (earliest example: the lich encounter), and place words in the mouths of others. However, you are completely unhappy when the same thing happens to you. I used the same plot device with the dragon that you used with the lich.


Yes, this RPG should have been an enjoyable experience. It stopped being so.


Foolishness is a give and take, especially when the most extreme of absurdities are involved.


If you wish to continue playing, by all means do so. But I sincerely doubt anyone else will be here.


PH34R TH3 WAnk??<br><img src="http://markwsucks.ho
Mar 17, 2000
omg cammy

i am sorry, but this is such bs. i tried to drop a subtle to leaving your ****ing "devine intervention" out of my characters business, but obviously it wasn't picked up on.

A written RPG should be an enjoyable experience.

i couldn't agree with you more. i will be frank with you, you are the reason i stopped posting for all that time. i finally came back, and took my character on its own side quest away from you and you downright stupid gods and goddesses. your characters and plot "twists" (i don't know that i would call them twists, more like bumbling mistakes?) have made this whole thing a completely unenjoyable experience for at least me, and i think several others share my sentiments.

In my opinion, you add little or nothing to the story in your posts. you reverse anything which you do not like, however interesting it makes the story. you remove all conflict, which makes the story stupid and boring. you feel the need to poke your head into every aspect of the story, even where it isn't wanted. you introduce downright idiotic things, which make no sense whatsoever, but that the rest of us still have to write around for continuities sake. and quite frankly, you are really pissing the hell out of me.

this thread had and has the potential to be one of the greatest, most interesting, most creative threads to hit the forums for a long time. i am stoked about it, because fantasy is perhaps my greatest love, yes even more than ut :p. yet, i find myself avoiding the thread at all costs.

hopefully this thread continues somewhere, if not hear on the forums...

over and out

Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V
The Dungeon Master speaks.

I'll be nice about this - but you've actually had this a long time in coming. It's not the goddess, or the character of Chun-Li, that has a habit of getting on people's nerves. It's you.

For starters, this is a fantasy role-playing game, and not a low-budget soft porn flick.

I think everyone else who posted agrees. Also, your posts, however frequent or lengthy, all seem to do the same thing. Make every other character look stupid. It's bad enough that problems and situations that are supposed to be difficult and require teamwork from several characters at once are solved instantly by some convenient solution that just happens to present itself courtesy of the goddess or some magical artifact like the Dragon's Eye.

I'm not pissed at Jing or WAnk for what they've done. I'm actually amused. I'm gonna sit back and watch how the story takes shape from her on. I think most of the other posters are probably going to return and continue. This represents more of an improvement than a problem.


<LordKhaine>hold on
<LordKhaine>making crack
<LordKhaine>just a sec




Surfing the edge of underconfidence.
Feb 21, 2000
York/Norwich England
Glad I paused in my posting when I did...

Just to stick my oar in, the seeds of this problem where pretty much obvious far earlier in this thread, but I thought (foolishly) that they had been resolved to everyone's satisfaction.

Just in case this flared up again, I created my new characters in a parallel story, not connected directly to anything everyone else is doing. Currently I am not posting to the thread because, quite frankly, I have no idea what the truth of things will be after each post, the level of plot-mangling by many people being so extreme.

When this calms down, I will resume posting where I left off.
Mar 6, 2000
Ding Dong the witch is dead


This is not a personal attack on you Cammy, but why the hell go back and contradict what people have already, or throw a spanner in the creative process we're trying to create here. People get very protective of there characters (hey it is based loosely on a role-playing game) and when you jump in and (literally) put words in there characters mouths and having them doing actions which are completely out of character understandably people are going to get pissed.
I was trying to get a seperate thread going with WAnk (and leaving a way open for Jing to get a new character in) and you jump in and completely change what we're attempting to do.:mad:


Also the girl (in the tower in the beginning) and the knights are supposed to be dead.
What was the point of having them alive?
It serves no point to the story apart from attempting to undermine my character and how I've set him out to be developed (read earlier in this thread), Asteph'theroc Draco is a real ruthless bastard if the need arises :D, he's the last one of his race currently residing on this world so some of his thoughts/concepts/motivations may seem barbaric/evil by human standards

The whole point of the mission I have Natayala and my character heading off on, was to temporary limit the gods abilities to intervene directly, but in the context of the story rather than having a flaming match in irc or the forums.
The main reason I was doing this was because from the tones of the posts here, in the actual Unrealm thread and from the people I've spoken to in IRC, your whole Kuan-Yi dialogue was starting to upset them as they felt that what they were contributing was pointless, as if they threw in a conflict or challenge Kuan-Yi would solve it (removing some creative posting from the rest of the group). It also show a distinct lack of imgination. I understand how you might want to inject some divine stuff in there, but posts have already been made on you toning it down and instead you post even more Kuan-Yi bollox.
Now as a result Jing has killed your character.

Yeeehaw! :D

Jing, WAnk, Wolfie :D - whereabouts is everyone characters now - the town, forest? Has my character met Natayala yet? If Wolframs just woken up where the hell is he (there are a few times he has been unconcious).
WAnk - is that new post of yours featuring Natayala or anothe new character (because if it's Natayala my character doesn't appear to be with her anymore).


PH34R TH3 WAnk??<br><img src="http://markwsucks.ho
Mar 17, 2000

well, pmb, i would absolutely LOVE to continue the dialogue/sublot we had going :D i though that had massive potential, and i was really looking forward to writing it. i took this opportinity to tweak my character a little bit. i am changing her name to Miyra (Natalya doesn't quite have the ring i want it to ;)), and have also cleared up some of her purpose in life from the get go. she is not just a petty thief, she has a purpose for the sneaking, etc. For all practical purposes, miyra is the same person as Natalya, so i hope we can get her and Asteph'theroc back together in similar fashion fairly soon. at the moment, she is in the forest lining the main trading road between two neighboring countries, one of which i have named, but am blanking on at the moment. hopefully, she will be running from guards fairly soon, so we can basically reuse what we already wrote, or at least parts of it :)


Nov 24, 1999
Visit site
Clarifying things up a little

Fellas, I want to clear up a few things.

First, I fully agree, the panty thing involving Trinity's characters was an absolutely bad move on my part, and for this I owe her every apology (I'd love to say sorry by buying her lunch, but I don't even live near her). But as to the other things said against me, I think I want to go through them carefully.

Yes, I think someone mentioned me turning the story into a 'porn flick'. But I honestly don't remember introducing any sex scenes.

i tried to drop a subtle to leaving your ****ing "devine intervention" out of my characters business, but obviously it wasn't picked up on.

You could have let your character do the talking, rather than put words into someone else's. As I said, if you can do that, so can I. And I've asked more than once on this thread just what the problem is with 'divine intervention'. Nobody said anything. So I thought I'd indulge it just once, then no more for a long time. But RumpleForeskin's character just made mine look stupid, so I felt compelled to add a few other things.

you are the reason i stopped posting for all that time. i finally came back, and took my character on its own side quest away from you and you downright stupid gods and goddesses.

I honestly don't remember compromising your character's dignity in any way. Nor do I think my characters ever tried to proselytize to her. I just made your character say and do a few things which I really wouldn't have minded anyone making my characters say and do.

Stupid gods and goddesses? Stupid in just what way? At least one other poster to the thread saw enough fun in them to use them. And isn't there a title Deities and Demigods among the AD&D rule books?

your characters and plot "twists" (i don't know that i would call them twists, more like bumbling mistakes?) have made this whole thing a completely unenjoyable experience for at least me, and i think several others share my sentiments.

You could have posted to this thread and told me just what you felt was wrong with my contributions and how I could improve. So could the others. Or if you preferred that the plot went a certain way, you could have left a short note after each post. What, divine intervention again? Like I've said, I've asked more than once what's wrong with it, but nobody answered. As far as I could tell, I never made or tried to make anyone else's characters look stupid, except once.

In my opinion, you add little or nothing to the story in your posts.

Fine. I respect your opinion. I happen to entertain similar opinions with respect to certain fantasy authors.

you reverse anything which you do not like, however interesting it makes the story.

Same with you. You made your character leave the bunch instead of letting the party come together for a happy gathering.

you remove all conflict, which makes the story stupid and boring.

I don't remember any ruling to the effect that there shall be conflict all the way and no peaceful moments. And I did write of one conflict, the one involving the zombies in the town, though admittedly it was a short one.

you feel the need to poke your head into every aspect of the story, even where it isn't wanted.

I never touched Khaine's, Troll's, MoyDoy's and RumpleForeskin's characters. Nor Dudester's later characters. MoyDoy's: only much later, when I judged it would be strange for them not to make an appearance in view of what was going on. RumpleForeskin's: again only much later, when I felt the implications carried by his character bode ill for my future use of my characters.

you introduce downright idiotic things, which make no sense whatsoever, but that the rest of us still have to write around for continuities sake.

Idiotic things? Such as? Come to think of it, what in a fantasy world isn't idiotic? Do dragons and stuff make sense?

and quite frankly, you are really pissing the hell out of me.

You know what? So are you.

yet, i find myself avoiding the thread at all costs.

I'm sorely tempted to as well...

hopefully this thread continues somewhere, if not hear on the forums...

Without my presence, of course.

Hmmm, since my presence is judged to be so intolerable, I think I'll bid everyone sayonara for now -- not just this thread and the other one, but the PU forums as well. Good health, everyone. (I shudder to think of what will happen to my characters...)
Mar 6, 2000
whoops missed this

If that oh-so-wise-and-caring hero were to continue to pose a problem for my employment of my goddess character in the RPG, then I shall reciprocate by making him a full convert to my goddess in a future post. Sorry.
Thats extremelly puerile. Have you no life?

You could have let your character do the talking, rather than put words into someone else's
He did try to let his character do the talking. You ignored him. We have also mentioned our misgivings about the divine (note spelling WAnk :D) intervention thing earlier in THIS thread. Yet again you took no notice.

You also completely invalidated a superb piece of writing on Jings part. As you had the new character (Rufus) I (and others) thought you were going to allow Chun-Li to be "retired", i.e. give herself to the darkside. With all her powers she would have made one hell of an enemy/nemesis/evil npc/high priest of Hades.

I just made your character say and do a few things which I really wouldn't have minded anyone making my characters say and do.
Which would have been fine if Natayla was a bible bashing member of the cult of Kuan-Yi, but she wasn't.

Admittedly WAnk got a bit carried away, but I spoke (well typed at) him and he deleted his post. You obviously haven't worked out how to do that yet.

But RumpleForeskin's character just made mine look stupid
You were managing that quite well by yourself thank you very much.

Hmmm, since my presence is judged to be so intolerable,
No, just irritating, petty and small minded.
I think I'll bid everyone sayonara for now -- not just this thread and the other one, but the PU forums as well.
Thats even more childish, just because of a disagreement over the contents of one thread you leave the whole forums?
Thats pathetic.
Good health, everyone
and good riddance
(I shudder to think of what will happen to my characters...)

Jing killed her :D

[Edited by RumpleForeskin|PuF on November 22nd, 2000 at 07:19 PM]


Poetic Terrorist
May 2, 2000
Temporary Autonomous Zone
well I'm glad no one touched my character. Since it only appeared once at the beginning, and I hadn't had a chance to develop her at all.....and truth be told it's been some ...gosh, 18 or so years since I RPG'd.

Tho I supposed I did allude to her knowing something about Moy so perhaps now that the thread will be revitalised I can bring her into the story. But I'm a writer not an RPGer and would be afraid she'd end up just bumbling about in the tale and making mischeif...



New Member
Apr 17, 2000

since we love to clarify...

Dracula was my introduction... primarily as a means of removing Alucard. Note also, that I wrote Alucard out voluntarily. If I had in any wanted him rewritten, I could have done so.

PMB: The whole of the Unrealm has reset... I think we can more or less refer to the same background-texts written before without having to xerox them (eg: your text on uh... ast...uh...Mr. Unspellable name =)

Essentially, the way i see it, nothing ever happened... the adventure is just beginning anew, so if there are any changes anyone wishes to make, switching out characters, names, professions, race, etc. etc. etc. etc. it's all legitimate


New Member
Apr 17, 2000
Happy thanksgiving to everyone!

I'll be gone until Sunday, completely computerless... So enjoy yourselves, watch football, eat turkey, and post =)

I'll Introduce Sheng and/or The Confessor when I get back.
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