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All's Well That Ends Well
Feb 6, 2005
replace all liquids in your diet with these

at 360 calories a pop youll soon bulk up.

I'll look for some and try it out :tup:


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
I'm open to trying anything to gain weight.

  1. pick up something heavy
  2. put it down
  3. pick it up again
  4. put it down
  5. pick it up again
  6. put it down
  7. pick it up again
  8. put it down
  9. pick it up again
  10. put it down
  11. pick it up again
  12. put it down
  13. pick it up again
  14. put it down
  15. pick it up again
  16. put it down
  17. pick it up again
  18. put it down
  19. pick it up again
  20. put it down
  21. count to 60
  22. repeat steps 1 - 20
do this 3 times a week.