Oh yeah. How could I forget my favorite DM map... I was referring to UT conversions though, which excludes the Campgrounds. Not to mention, everyone else agreed because the map clearly whoops ass.
Then again, I don't usually download UT conversions because I usually see them and go "Dammit, people. Make your own damn maps!" so I haven't really come across any good UT remakes that I play consistently. IIRC, there's only one: one of the DM-Malevolence remakes. Not sure which one it is, but it's Rankin-themed and really wide open because it was built from scratch with UT2004 movement in mind, rather than the "scale and pray" construction I mentioned earlier, and it has added things like dodge-up places. I probably also play this one because the bot pathing
sucked, so I completely redid it, so now the bots actually put up a good fight.
But yeah, Tale is referring to something very valid. There are a lot of maps on the Mo'ship, but we hardly play any of them. In fact, I'm thinking about uninstalling CBP2 because we never play anything from it since most of the maps are DM and almost everyone on FragBU hates DM it seems, and the redirect server can blast a map to me in a few seconds. CBP2 is something like 600 MB and really all you need from it is Achilles and Decadence.