PC Bulletstorm Demo "In The Works"

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Master of Science
Jan 25, 2000
the Netherlands
Correction.. there is indeed stupid letter boxing. But that's actually part of the game, the art, and not the resolution.
I never understood why they added that movie gimmick. It's not cool at all.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Letterboxing in games is pretty dumb. Serious Sam 2 wide screen resolutions are totally botched because of it. So much is lost on the top and bottom of your screen. FEAR2 does it as well, though you have the option to turn it off which is nice.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
It honestly doesn't matter to me at all. If it was actually ruining the game somehow, I might be a whiner. But it doesn't really affect the game at all. Sure, maybe it shouldn't be there (or be optional), but Bulletstorm isn't the first game to have it yet it is possibly the most whined about "feature" of the game.
Mar 19, 2002
Denver Co. USA
Visit site
Okay, I finally got to try out the 360 demo for about 20 minutes, and I liked it.
The game felt perfect even with a game pad; very smooth controls and beautiful graphics.
I actually thought what little dialog was there fit in well with the game.

I can't speak on the PC version of course, so I'll be downloading that demo as well.

I may end up having to wait for a price drop because money isn't exactly pouring out of my pockets right now.


Buried By The Dead
Mar 22, 2002
Visit site
Wtf are you people smoking... The game plays in fullscreen as supposed to in 16:9 TV's but it should look like a MOVIE on PC? What kind of perverted logic is that?

Movies do have black bars on your TV because they are shot in 21:9, because that's the format of the cinemas, games are software made by programming. That they don't give a **** about proper support for the PC is the only excuse that you can find for it. And don't say that you would you have liked it if you were forced to play it in 4:3 format on your 16:9 TV with the vertical black bars left and right because it would be ****ing annoying.
Last edited:
Mar 19, 2002
Denver Co. USA
Visit site
I didn't notice any letterboxing on the 360 version, but the setup I played it on wasn't setup for widescreen.

Is there letterboxing in the 360 or PS3 version? If not then it definitely isn't "art", it would be insufficient support for 16:10 displays, lol.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Wtf are you people smoking... The game plays in fullscreen as supposed to in 16:9 TV's but it should look like a MOVIE on PC? What kind of perverted logic is that?

Movies do have black bars on your TV because they are shot in 21:9, because that's the format of the cinemas, games are software made by programming. That they don't give a **** about proper support for the PC is the only excuse that you can find for it. And don't say that you would you have liked it if you were forced to play it in 4:3 format on your 16:9 TV with the vertical black bars left and right because it would be ****ing annoying.
U dum.