PC Bulletstorm Demo "In The Works"

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New Member
Feb 21, 2009
59% more like.

Look at the number of votes. ;)

"Total Votes: 101"

When I voted earlier there were only 100 votes ... and we all know that 59% of 100 isn't that hard to calculate. :)

And I was even generous, assuming that nobody had voted for it since the announcement of the PC demo, let alone the decision to make one.
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Jan 20, 2008
Oh wow I never noticed there's a result screen in the poll D:
Hell I don't even realize about the existence of those polls anyway.


New Member
Feb 21, 2009
Oh wow I never noticed there's a result screen in the poll D:
Hell I don't even realize about the existence of those polls anyway.

Well, tbh, also I only voted after I read and learned about the poll here. And I did it mainly to see how many voted.


New Member
Feb 26, 2008
Didn't they make a dual core CPU a minimum requirement? My crap-heap PC won't be running it any time soon then - much cheaper to just buy an Xbox.
Mar 20, 2002
Chica Go
Visit site
After this thread, I kinda wish they didn't release a stupid demo. It's not like one is owed after people were overly glorious in their abilities to not understand tongue-in-cheek humor.

And no, I don't think for one second they made a demo because people bitched and moaned...it was always in the works; just wasn't going to be ready for the release.

Anyway, I can't decide if it is worth making a rig to run the newer games today or just try the 360 version (shudders at FPSers on consoles...).


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
At least 15-20 including the breaks discussing work, discussing the discussions and remarks on the current status of the job to be done, taking a break from all your worries, revising the break, having a discussion on this break, breaking that break down, writing it down, discussing this report and taking a break because honestly... that's a lot of work.

So yeah, april or may.

Oops, forgot about the toilet breaks...


Buried By The Dead
Mar 22, 2002
Visit site
You don't need a PC demo. This game is a joke for PC standards.

According to what people are saying in various forums the game

-does not support native 4:3 and 16:10 displays (you see it letterboxed)
-is awfully short (even less than 6 hours)
-is super linear,
-is full of invisible walls, and there are lots of collision bugs
-has no jump - only the "press key to overcome the obstacle"
-has laughable in-game configuration settings
-has the ini files encrypted so that you must find some external utility to decrypt basic stuff like FOV, mouse smoothing (which makes the aiming floaty and unresponsive by default), etc
-plays like Gears of War with some overrated "skill moves" (usually kick and shoot or leash and shoot)
-has dumb AI even on hard and CoD's health covering system when everything goes red
-has bad MP that gets old really fast (not even basic DM, nor dedicated servers)

...and many others.

So don't believe in marketing crap, guided reviews, CliffyB or any other puppet, any other game with so many faults would score 60/100 max as a PC game. Just wait until the price hits 9,99 and then grab it, the game is actually a bad console port.
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New Member
Feb 21, 2009
You don't need a PC demo. This game is a joke for PC standards.

According to what people are saying in various forums the game

-does not support native 4:3 and 16:10 displays (you see it letterboxed)
-is awfully short (even less than 6 hours)
-is super linear,
-is full of invisible walls, and there are lots of collision bugs
-has no jump - only the "press key to overcome the obstacle"
-has laughable in-game configuration settings
-has the ini files encrypted so that you must find some external utility to decrypt basic stuff like FOV, mouse smoothing (which makes the aiming floaty and unresponsive by default), etc
-plays like Gears of War with some overrated "skill moves" (usually kick and shoot or leash and shoot)
-has dumb AI even on hard and CoD's health covering system when everything goes red
-has bad MP that gets old really fast (not even basic DM, nor dedicated servers)

...and many others.

So don't believe in marketing crap, guided reviews, CliffyB or any other puppet, any other game with so many faults would score 60/100 max as a PC game. Just wait until the price hits 9,99 and then grab it, the game is actually a bad console port.

I can't confirm anything of it, as I don't have the game. But I heard and read many similiar complaints.
I "knew it" since they announced that there will be no PC demo, because it will hurt sales more than help them. Now the demo will be out after people bought it on the first days, so some might like and buy it.

I will get the demo, but I highly doubt that I like it due to what you mentioned and some other things either ingame or regarding GFWL.
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Master of Science
Jan 25, 2000
the Netherlands
You don't need a PC demo. This game is a joke for PC standards.

According to what people are saying in various forums the game

-does not support native 4:3 and 16:10 displays (you see it letterboxed)
-is awfully short (even less than 6 hours)
-is super linear,
-is full of invisible walls, and there are lots of collision bugs
-has no jump - only the "press key to overcome the obstacle"
-has laughable in-game configuration settings
-has the ini files encrypted so that you must find some external utility to decrypt basic stuff like FOV, mouse smoothing (which makes the aiming floaty and unresponsive by default), etc
-plays like Gears of War with some overrated "skill moves" (usually kick and shoot or leash and shoot)
-has dumb AI even on hard and CoD's health covering system when everything goes red
-has bad MP that gets old really fast (not even basic DM, nor dedicated servers)

...and many others.

So don't believe in marketing crap, guided reviews, CliffyB or any other puppet, any other game with so many faults would score 60/100 max as a PC game. Just wait until the price hits 9,99 and then grab it, the game is actually a bad console port.

Not sure what "PC standards" are. But ok.

- Game ran in 16:10 on my system
- It is kind of short, I completed the game in a weekend. But it didn't feel short. It was a very intense and satisfying 8 hours (or so) for me. And I'm going to reply parts of it, but it's really fun.
- Yeah so? So is Half Life 2, and pretty much any other standard FPS game.
- The only invisible walls are the ledges, the main characters simply doesn't want to fall off them. There are maybe 3 times where this is sort of dumb, but in most other cases it's quite a drop. Didn't encounter any collision bugs.
- A lot of games have no jump button. What does this even have to do with PC gaming standards? Besides... this guy is caring too much crap to even jump.
- Don't know about in-game configuration settings; everything was set correctly for me to start off with. Native resolution, all on high. So... the heck with it, I just started playing.
- Nothing wrong with the FOV, and I didn't have any aiming issues. Maybe people have a crappy mouse configuration in their OS?
- It does sort of play like GoW, and a bit like Enslaved, and a bit like Uncharted, ... with like as it: it's one hell of a continuous fun part ride through the game. Skill moves, well.. there are quite some of them which are quite difficult. But yes, you can dumb it down to leash, kick, shoot, kick, leash, kick. But, Mario is just jump, run, jump, jump. Diablo is just click click click click.
-To be fair, it's not like the enemies in this game are Spec Ops. And the AI in some cases is quite lacking. But I wouldn't call it terrible, it's pretty much on par. I've seen a lot worse. And I can't actually name a game which I would say has a good AI. Most enemies in this game are dumbwits and simply charge in high numbers. But there is also a bit of intelligence going on later in the game when you do meet enemies that theoretically should have a 100+ IQ. Not sure if CoD was the first game to feature regenerating. But taking cover doesn't do a lot of good in this game. If this game didn't have regenerating health you should try to mess around it much. The game is about trying to pull of various skillshots. Otherwise you would have to litter the world with health packs.
- MP... who cares... it's an SP game with a tacked on MP because for some dumb reason a vast majority doesn't buy games when it doesn't have MP. Most games have crap MP.

Anyway, I had a ****load of fun playing this game. And so far it's my GOTY.
It'd say, try the demo. If you don't like it, don't bother, buy a different game. If you think the demo is fun, but becomes boring after a while: The full game is much better, and much less easy.

Bulletstorm was also the first game where gfwl was being a bitch. It took me a little while to get it going (basically reinstalling gfwl from scratch; because it ****ed up its own install). Microsoft's installer/updater for gfwl is quite flawed, and it's anti-tamper mechanism is just plain annoying.

The overall gameplay of the game is great. It's only a shame that the world wasn't made a bit more destructive. Would have been nice if I could kick and thereby destroy some of the fragile things I was hiding behind. It would make sense.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2004
16:10, configuration options, and ini encryption are issues that can easily be addressed by a title update. One of those is easily gotten around so I don't know what's the point of padding the list of grievances with them. Also, the lack of jump was a conscious design decision.


20% Cooler
Jun 6, 2008
One of those is easily gotten around so I don't know what's the point of padding the list of grievances with them.
Because there's absolutely no reason for the ini encryption to be there in the first place, especially if it's easily circumvented.
Well ok there's one reason: annoy the **** out of people who want to configure the game through ini because once again the menu options are abysmal.
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Active Member
Jan 21, 2004
Because there's absolutely no reason for the ini encryption to be there in the first place, especially if it's easily circumvented.
Well ok there's one reason: annoy the **** out of people who want to configure the game through ini because once again the menu options are abysmal.

Well yeah but I don't think PCF was fully thinking this through when they encrypted all the ini files. Their twitter statement made it sound like they could decrypt most of the configuration files. It's not like it wasn't already apparent prior to release that the PC version wasn't getting a ton of attention from PCF/Epic/EA.

However, I completely agree about there not being much point if you can decrypt it that easily.


Jan 20, 2008
I like a lot Anarchy mode. If there are good players around obviously.
Overall I'm really impressed by this game; finally a FPS game with new fun gameplay mechanics instead of a simple rehash of already-seen stuff.
It's a good start - but it has flaws and there's a lot of uncovered potential here.
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Why are people complaining about the letterboxing? Lots of games on lots of engines have had letterboxing in the last few years. I've been watching widescreen movies on 4:3 TVs for over a decade, so I'm completely used to black bars.


20% Cooler
Jun 6, 2008
Games =/= Movies
You =/= Everyone else

Just saying.

IMO I still find it a little stupid that after 16:9 was introduced as the standard for movies and screens (So you could have full screen wide screen movies) well we know have black bars in wide screen as well. Heh, so much for 16:9 being the standard.
For games it's the same thing. It's just wasted screen space where nothing goes on. Letterboxing in games happened in other games yes, but it usually was to denote a cinematic or provide a mean to differentiate between playable gameplay and cutscene action (Like a finisher move in a fighting game or a slow motion segment, etc.) Being letterboxed all the time provides nothing at all.