Paying MOD looking for crew members...

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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
or even a section of the EULA?

Binary is absolutely right. There is no right or priveledge taken away to work on a freely distributed product while getting paid.

If they WORKED for Epic and didn't have APPROVAL from Epic to work on the Mod AND THEY GOT PAID, then there would be some legal issues. BUT NO ONE THAT WORKS FOR EPIC WOULD BE INTERESTED. kthxbye.


New Member
Apr 13, 2004
**** yous , youre both dousches . ill be the first to report you when you release a mod that people got paid for making , and youll all find yourselves in court . LOL!

[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
Well, your wrong Dimz. When 1 person disagrees with you, you may have reason to argue, when two people you should then start having to be a little suspicious and then when a third comes in, you really should rethink your strategy.

The fact of the matter is, is that what Jigger is doing is to pay people for the creation of content such as code, graphics etc etc. The creation solely belongs to the creator, thus the creator is able to sell his/her creation to who ever he/she feels like. Epic doesn't own the creator work, they can't since they didn't participate in it's creation. Whether or not it goes into the actual creation of a mod doesn't really matter at all. What is illegal however is the creation of a mod that is designed to be sold/paid for illegitamately, i.e you can download my mod by paying x dollars to this account. Not legal. That is illegal since the engine itself was made by Epic thus the ownership belongs to Epic and thus the person does not have a right to sell it.

However, whether ethically/morally if this is correct is dependent on the person. Personally if I join a mod, I don't look for money. I look at what the mod can offer me in terms of challenging aspects and other such things, but not money. I don't often join teams that wish to further their mod by publications since that is usually seen as a big slap in the face to the community.

If you wanted to be 100% sure instead of just making beliefs, ask Epic if you feel like it, or in better respects consult the EULA of the Unreal Engine. But seeing how you post, it is mostly likely that you won't and will just call me an idiot. Well, it doesn't affect me one iota how big/right you think you are, but I have been down this road many times before, and judging by my 11 years spent in modding ... I've never seen Epic, iD, 3D Realms sue someone for selling his/her own work.


New Member
Apr 13, 2004
gawd you people are like sheep . once the content you create touches the game it becomes epic's . if thats not enough , its well known that you cannot exchange money for modding . a member of SAS should know this , im disappionted .
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[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
gawd you people are like sheep .
And your the only right one? We are all 'banding' together because of the fact that you are wrong.

if thats not enough , its well known that you cannot exchange money for modding
It is well known that you cannot sell the final product. It is not however uncommon for people to be paid during the development for of their mod. If the mod leader decides to pay people for their work, then that is of his own accord. However if the mod leader then decides to sell the mod in order to make the money back, then that process is illegal.

once the content you create touches the game it becomes epic's.
The content when made for UT2004 does not become Epic's because then by that stance legally Epic is allowed to sell your work, which of course is ludicrious. By your own logic, you must be able to see that this is just outright silly.

a member of SAS should know this , im disappionted .
Well then you've just proven my point that you make beliefs but do not bother at all to find out what the reality of the situation is. Obviously you lack the intention enough to even bother claim what you say is true. First, I don't belong to the SAS: Into the Lion's Den mod group any more? Then why is my name have the [SAS] clan logo in it? Because I was a weapon modeller for SAS: Into the Lion's Den for UT99 which was a very long time ago. Why do I still retain the [SAS] part, because I have taken my harden up pill to simply leave my account the same as it is. Who cares what the forum handle is, it's what you have to say that counts.

Alright, the ONLY way you can prove this is by posting up some case studies and relevant website links or something for us to read other than the posts coming out of your own mouth as obviously there is no point for us to preach the converted and by no logic can I prove you wrong. In fact, I am sending an email to Epic for them to clear this up. If what we all say is true (which it is in fact), I will make you my bitch.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
[SAS]Solid Snake said:
And your the only right one? We are all 'banding' together because of the fact that you are wrong.

It is well known that you cannot sell the final product. It is not however uncommon for people to be paid during the development for of their mod. If the mod leader decides to pay people for their work, then that is of his own accord. However if the mod leader then decides to sell the mod in order to make the money back, then that process is illegal.

The content when made for UT2004 does not become Epic's because then by that stance legally Epic is allowed to sell your work, which of course is ludicrious. By your own logic, you must be able to see that this is just outright silly.

Well then you've just proven my point that you make beliefs but do not bother at all to find out what the reality of the situation is. Obviously you lack the intention enough to even bother claim what you say is true. First, I don't belong to the SAS: Into the Lion's Den mod group any more? Then why is my name have the [SAS] clan logo in it? Because I was a weapon modeller for SAS: Into the Lion's Den for UT99 which was a very long time ago. Why do I still retain the [SAS] part, because I have taken my harden up pill to simply leave my account the same as it is. Who cares what the forum handle is, it's what you have to say that counts.

Alright, the ONLY way you can prove this is by posting up some case studies and relevant website links or something for us to read other than the posts coming out of your own mouth as obviously there is no point for us to preach the converted and by no logic can I prove you wrong. In fact, I am sending an email to Epic for them to clear this up. If what we all say is true (which it is in fact), I will make you my bitch.

So, when Epic ASKED MOD LEADERS if they could include their Mod in the ECE, they only did it out of politeness? Because they OWN the Mods, why should they have to ask what they can include and what not???


UA Mapper
Aug 1, 2003
North of Philadelphia
Nice Solid Snake :)

getting back on topic to Jigger's request...
I am very tempted by this offer, but I don't want to be paid [directly] for my work. once you sign up for something like this then it will be more a job than something being done for fun. I'd rather stick with making maps for fun and for free... Of course if I have some free time down the road and you need something I wouldn't mind helping you. :)

also more details on what exactly you are trying to do would be nice for other people.


UA Mapper
Aug 1, 2003
North of Philadelphia
O perfect point right there!

so very true, but then again I think that NVidia got clearence from atari and epic first...

but still there is nothing legaly wrong with paying people to MOD. jsut as long as they don't sell the finished MOD.
end of story


New Member
Jan 20, 2001
W3ell thanks for your interest JonAzz, I hope your serious because we could REALLY use another mapper-
We have a great/hard workin tex artist that needs a mapper that can do good work.
The reason I don't post the MOD concept is because it's actually really original/playable and I wanna keep it close to the team.
Please stop by and take a look around-
The site is just a "throw up" and it will be replaced soon enough.
If you are really interested then let me know-I have a map layout that you may think is a challange,
Thanks again


New Member
Nov 23, 2002
For the mods in the ECE game I think Epic payed a $1000 for them each.(Cant be possitive but i remember reading it in the Unwheel forum that they sold there game for a $1000).


Dec 8, 2000
EULA's cannot overwrite the law of the nation, be it federal or state and undersuch laws, anything that you create is your intellectual property and you can do with it as you wish.