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For the Win, motherfather!
Aug 24, 2001
Aliens versus predator, and more so avp2, are the only games that really creeped me out. shear excellence.

Call me Erdrik

Arch Mage
Nov 24, 1999
Spring Hill, FL, USA
I played Octican, but I didn't have OldSkool so I couldn't find the change item button and thus never saw the translator..... I got thru the airvents fine, nor problems there(don't know what the big fuss on that is all about :rolleyes: ) But I couldn't get past the second door after you fall from the vents.... so I 'ghosted' to the next part.(I can't beta the map if i can't get to the different parts :p )
I found BSP error in the mine ... I couldn't blow up the wall to escape(becuase I couldn't switch ti the explsives....) so I ghosted through.... when through swiched to back to walking, but wilst I was fighting the monster, I strafed left behind a bunch of crates and.. WHOOSH! suddenly Im falling OUTSIDE the map..... had to switch to ghost fly back up and continue on... I agree that the warloads were to easy, and personaly I thought the queen was to easy. I just stayed a distance away, and whenever she started to charge, I jumped and she lost target and stopped charging....Im pretty sure this is in the queens coding, ....

other than that I loved it great job :D


New Member
Aug 29, 2000
the queen is allready much deadlyer then the default queen, and yes i know of the bsp hole :\ it was something that people told me after the release, cant fix it anymore..

btw you can get everywhere you need to be perfectly without ghost mode :), and for the exploding part you dont need to switcht to explosives normally, just run against the wall there, it will explode on their own