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Oct 28, 1999
pupeas are indeed scary
they have too many legs, they jump into your face and they make scary sounds

but why are the facehuggers in HL scary? they have only 2 legs, they make no sounds, and the placement is sooooooo goddamn predicatable


Retired Attention Whore
Hey, If you think I was scary playing Quake 2 ... :) Those monsters that got a stinger, DAMN, I was 13 when I played it, the first time, opened that door in the demo, walked forward: WHAM,there was the friggin' monster, aaaaargh!!

didn't play it again for a few months... Other scary monsters where those that gave you an uppercut..... man I remember I wanted to complete the demo without cheating, I turned around the corner, WHAM that monster covering my whole screeen, I lost my control a few seconds... DAMN...
But I am scared of everything... :)

If I watched a horror movie, I can't sleep, really!! You can call me an *******, but I don't care...

Oh, btw: I hated playing Duke Nukem 3D: Hated the dark corridors, with the monsters, (those underwater: aarhg) I get the shiverings again... Knowing these are sprites... Why am I such a weak FLUFFY???? :)


Oct 28, 1999
I think age is an explaination
I felt like that too 4-5 years ago (19 now)

when I was a kid I couldn't sleep without the lights turned on :p
but that fear slowly goes away methinks
Alien vs Predator gave me some of the biggest jumps of my gaming life, aliens appearing out of nowhere and all you hear is the loud screech as they attack from above and behind, or the little facehuggers, who you can't see cus it's dark, and then everything is silent...then you look on the floor...what is that? is that a ....oh ****! And then it's on your face and stuff. Spooky.

The biggest scare i got in Unreal 1 was actually kinda dumb now that i realize it, it was a one and a bazillion shot. I was in Chizra water temple, i had heard a slith sound and procedded to launch 8 ball rockets at it till it went away. When everything went quiet, i walked over to some health and some items. I began to collect, and then I turned around and the Slith i thought i had just killed (or it could have been his buddy, I didnt have time to ask) was standing right infront of me! Like and inch away, all i saw on the screen was the green bastard as it screamed at me just as I saw it. Man oh man, I remember jumping from my chair as I killed the thing, not before it got a good swipe at me. I dun remember, but my brother who was watching was laughing uncontrollably because, according to him, I had yelled out "Fu<k!" like a frightened school girl. Give me pupae and Skaarj, I'll pass on the slith thank you very much.
Nov 4, 2001
The Kitchen

My first scare in Unreal was in the first level (I was 12 and it was like 11PM and I'm sitting in the dark home alone), right after I got out of my cell, I had been hearing these awful screams of terror and pain coming from the ship and then I also hear this growling sound. and I have no gun. I'm like "Where the hell did that come from?!", and then I see the elevator and go up. Then theres an earthquake and that piece of the floor falls down, and I'm just like "woah good thing I wasn't down there when that happened"... so then I find that vent and go in.. and when I turn the corner I see this green fog and the Skaarj sitting there and a dead body and more screaming.. and by then I'm alittle nervous about going on. So I move forward and BAM!!! those short explosions in teh vent make me yell!! Lol, I know.. kinda dumb when you think about it.. but for teh first time playing it.. it was scary!:D


Retired Attention Whore
I never played Unreal, but I did play the Peril On Mars Pack, Man, never got further than the first map... It was when I saw the pupeas... :)

My pc is too slow to play AvP... Infact, even too slow for UT, it runs at 10 frames/... So, if I would play Unreal in Single player, I wouldn't see the fuC|<ing monsters comming, but they would be right standing before me, because the computer is too lame to render the other frames...

That's why I suck in UT also,... can't aim that way...


Oct 28, 1999
I got not really scared in the first 3 unreal maps
in a magazin they already said that there are no enemies in the first map just a skaarj running away.......pfff
and they had a movie that shows the trap in map 3.... :/
so i always knew what happens next


(Formerly known as Mxtrmntr)
Nov 3, 2001
The Island of the Day Before
Visit site
"The Darkening" was the level in U1 that scared me the most...it seemed so damn difficult to me (tho it didn't take me too long to finish it) and it was the most satisfying moment so far in my gaming life when I found the exit :D

Also I remember, one of the first times I played Thief , I really feared getting out of my room at night... everyone had went to bed, it was dark and I went to the bathroom. Suddenly, I heard a door, and I got a huge shock... maybe I thought some guards were coming for me, dunno :rolleyes:

Btw, the "Return to the cathedral" level in Thief is one of the best and scariest levels ever imo... try it :)