I really must instal inf on linux but i have 1 problem with infiltration.ini.
2nd problem is c7 gun.If i delete this file in infiltration/system and infiltration.ini ServerPackages. server still miss thet file.I readed that u must delete Username/.loki folder if u upgrade inf 2.86 to 2.9.Well i didn t upgraded but anyway i was looking that folder.I don t have that folder on my disk.
3rd problem is when i wanna change server name in inf.ini don t work.It s work if i go to admin page
Where is that hmmmm ****ing .ini file or what is wrong here.
I was install Infiltration29CE_full_x86.run finded here
Please help becouse windows is sux for server.Tickrate is dropping down in few ours.I haved few server on windows thea were all sux and i haved few games server on linux OS (counter strike source, call of duty 4)they was running just fine with no problem.
Abouth tisckrate.
I think all inf server have maxtickrate on 20
I used that on my old pc.Now we have batter computers and we can play on 100 tickrate if we want to but 35 would be cool.In css i haved 1 server for 32 players , 100 tickrate and 30000 netspeed for player.No broblem to run without lag.Ok what i wanna tell you is thet if you have 20000 netspeed for a player on server and 35 tickrate your ping will be batter and gameplay will be batter(i tested on my server with 20tickrate i have 60-70ping lol and i am on lan.Then i trayed with 35 tickrate ping 30 with 66 tickrate my ping was 20 and i didn t try with 100 tick).If you wanna have 66 tickrate netspeed must be 25000 but we have probleme here.original ini in client have 20000netspeed and ewery1 must be change thet (30000 is cool for 100tickrate)it is minimum for 100 tickrate but it s cool to play.Only problem with tic is that u must have good computer for a server and client must have good pc if u waana play with 100 tick without lag!I miss command in infiltration.ini file (mintickrate).In css game i haved mintickrate 30 and maxtickrate 101 with innetspeed 20000 and maxneespeed 30000.Server was cool amd no lag!