its in the thread name
turddrive is smrt, turddrive kan spel gud, turdpost, use windows instead
whoever made all these is quite imaginative.
turddrive is smrt, turddrive kan spel gud, turdpost, use windows instead
Full story:Ryan Gordon On Linux UT3: "still on its way"
Following our news post on Friday regarding this matter, Mr. Gordon was asked on Twitter as to the Unreal Tournament 3 Linux status. Ryan's response is "still on its way. Being poked and prodded and optimized and stuff." This is effectively the same response that was provided back in March where he was optimizing and fixing annoying bugs.
Ryan is not a novice developer when it comes to porting games and other software from Windows over to Linux, and it should not take nearly this long. It was back in September that he showed UT3 running on Linux.
(Full story: Linux Is "Slowly Being Worked On"
With it being several months since last hearing anything on the matter, this morning we decided to see if Epic Games had anything new to say. After firing them off a brief email, there was a quick response by Epic's Steve Polge, the lead designer of Unreal Tournament 3.
The UT3 Linux client is still slowly being worked on, but we don't have any estimate for a completion date.
- Steve
Wow, nearly two years after the game was released for Windows, there is still no sign of when it will be done for Linux. Ryan Gordon is not a novice developer and it should not take nearly this long, especially with his past experience on porting Unreal engines to Mac OS X and Linux. Whatever the case may be, Steve still claims that it's being worked on. Will we see the Linux client this decade? Provides An Update, But No UT3 Or Games
It's been a while since last hearing anything from Icculus, a.k.a. Ryan Gordon, about any games or other software that he has been porting to Linux. The main project that we still have yet to see from him is the Unreal Tournament 3 client that is now going on two years late. Early this morning Ryan provided an update on his "finger" (blog), but Unreal Tournament 3 nor any other game projects were mentioned.
Didn't they sell extra copies based on the promise of a Linux binary?
That makes me wonder why anyone would buy a product that is "promised to work sometime in the future but not now"???
Not true at all. I steamed my copy of UT3 when I was able to do so; I had no problems at all joining servers.I've heard vicious rumours that the Steam players can't play with the GameSpy players. Please tell me this isn't true :|?