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The Odd Member
Jan 3, 2000
1) I didn't expect it to do that, it was more of an introduction ;). More to this argument later...

2) My point was that the OED is certainly not referring to gaming stuff correctly (things like TCP/IP, mutator, UnrealED, ).
For example take UnrealED (= Unreal Editor). I'm pretty sure UnrealED isn't mentioned in the OED in the "editor section" (if such a thing exists). But it is an Editor, noone would doubt it. So it is wrong if it doesn't point out UnrealED being an Editor. I know that the OED can't explain every "proper name", so they don't care (and write) about Unreal Universe being an universe (like with UnrealED, they simply run out of space I guess). So I guess you can't apply the "rules" of the OED on proper names. Therefore my other arguments apply again.

3) Nope, I'm certainly discussing only gaming things (that's what the discussion is about), you still try to prove me wrong, so this isn't an argument unless you have successfully proven me wrong here.
So I still mean every thing I say here in it's gaming aspect. Also the word universe.

4) I don't think the word "universe" means whatever I want it to mean. I'm pretty sure about it's meaning. It's only you who can't accept that "universe" may have different meanings.
So people here could still have written their posts without looking up every word in the OED.

5) Sorry, but neither answer 1 nor 4 fits on my argument.
Since colloquial language changes all the time it could be that the OED hasn't been updated on that point, yet.

6) My point was that there's no difference for me between "universe" and "universe", so the "universe" (shorten from "Unreal Universe") sounds pretty like "universe". So we could have talked about "Unreal Universe" by mentioning "universe", how can you know?

7) <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>"No, it is updated because new words are being invented/passing into more common use"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Yeah, like "universe" getting a different meaning. Sometimes "new words" (more exactly: new word meanings) need some time before they're added to the OED. That's obvious since these words have to be widely used before they're accepted for the OED. So the OED isn't the reference when talking about a topic (i.e. computer stuff) that changes/evolves really fast. So it is possibly not yet updated, since this word isn't enough used, yet, to be added to the OED. But the meaning is there...

8) How do you know what the proper meaning of "universe" is? There are some words having at least two meanings (one word - two meanings). The "universe" which is mentioned by you was just lucky to be found earlier than gaming universes. That doesn't mean that gaming universes don't exist. You say the "universe" is the only proper one. That's not right, it was only the first one so te definition of "universe" is in the OED not the definition of "universe".

9) I don't only want to show you that the "Unreal Universe" is an universe but that you could also mean it by referring to an universe, especially if done so on a gaming board. See #3 for related info.

9a) Let's add an argument:
The OED surely isn't right with everything. The OED is made by people, and how do you say: "Nobody is perfect." So if people work at improving the OED it is possible that they made some errors. So the OED could be wrong with some stuff you said.

10) Ok, this is obviously getting a bit longer:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Wibblyness: If you have never played FF8, you do not know what I mean by 'wibblyness'. Everything goes wibbly,
not just your vision, and you can also float through space and walk into other times.
Can you travel through time on a Redeemer?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
OK, your vision does get wibbly when playing Stranglove (a bug in the current version). "Excessive Violence" is a mod where all the weapons are a bit overpowered, so it's wibbly in gameplay meanings.

"You can float through space..."
In DM-Hyperblast I often manage to float through space.

"and walk into other times."
Q: Ok, how do you see you walk into other times?
A: You see stuff from other time zones there. Like old weapons (U4E), old architecture (DM-Gothic or other levels (future levels, too)), old persons (the nali, for example (There is no reason that there should be a "flash" or noise when travelling through time, since the only way people ever travelled through time didn't cause such a thing, more on that topic later). Originally the Nalis were in Unreal only, not in UT, so you travel back to the times of Unreal if using them in UT.
So you travel through time (for example) if you're playing U4E on DM-Gothic with some Nalis, right?

"Can you travel through time on a Redeemer?"
"Time" is the 4th dimension. You constantly travel through time (forward), or you simply wouldn't be able to move since the time was "frozen". This is not the case, so you travel through time.

To be able to travel through time backwards you either need the stuff mentioned above or the following setting:

If you think mankind will ever be able to travel backwards in time you have to think of the "time" be arranged like a film, pic after pic...many of them. Else you wouldn't be abe to turn back the state of every atom/molecule to it's former status (which would be quite a lot of work). If you ever did this you would be transform the molekules of your "time machine" as well (and yours, too...eek), therefore rendering it useless at the time (think backwards) you invented it in the past.

So we have to imagine the "time" like a film to think of time travelling to the time before the invention of "time machines". So you could be able to hop to every pic of that film without transforming every molekule back to it's former status. So you need a device which allows you to choose the "pic" you want to travel to. This means that you'd need the other times still existent. Since I can't see them, they have to be in another universe, right?
This would render Morety's argument ("Universes and dimensions other than our own exist.") valid again.
Either the other times exist in a "parallel universe" or time travelling isn't possible.

Talk about time travelling to the future. That would surely be possible (in the "film scenario"), but not in the "transformation" one. Your device had to know all the future states of the atoms/molecules. Besides the fact that this would need another device on it's own it would need A LOT of energy.

Imagine transforming the state of the whole universe to it's future status...would need a lot of processing time for every 1/1000 second (the whole universe) and a lot of energy distributed among the universe...
So you simply can't travel through time like you think you could (not even with magic, since it doesn't exist here...tell me people in the current real world use magic and I'm going to laugh at you... :)). So the only way to travel through time was like the one I told you for UT.


Please answer to all of my points this time even if they're not numbered. I don't want to remind you of it again :).
Sorry, I normally do some spell-checking after writing a post, but I'm in a hurry this time...maybe later.

[This message has been edited by Loibisch (edited 05-23-2000).]


The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
Why has there been no link to page 6 on this page?


Llamas spit and poo, and not in the humourous way that monkeys do. They're dirty dirty animals.


I am the Hugh Grant of Thatcherism
Mar 26, 2000
Visit site
How am I meant to argue with insanity? Anyway:

...these words have to be widely used before they're accepted for the OED.

A word means what the majority of people think it to mean. The OED contains the meanings that are widely thought of. Therefore the definition is what the word means. This answers most of your points, which I am not writing out (for God's sake number your points). As for the rest:

6) If you use a non-standard meaning then you should make that clear. So the first time you say 'universe' with reference to 'Unreal Universe' you should say 'Unreal Universe'. Otherwise the person who you were talking to would not understand you.

9) I think they'd get a simple word like 'universe' right though.

&gt;In DM-Hyperblast I often manage to float through space.

No, you are not floating, you are jumping, because you will eventually land.

&gt;Q: Ok, how do you see you walk into other times?
A: You see stuff from other time zones there. Like old weapons (U4E), old architecture (DM-Gothic or other levels (future levels, too)), old persons (the nali, for example (There is no reason that there should be a "flash" or noise when travelling through time, since the only way people ever travelled through time didn't cause such a thing, more on that topic later). Originally the Nalis were in Unreal only, not in UT, so you travel back to the times of Unreal if using them in UT.
So you travel through time (for example) if you're playing U4E on DM-Gothic with some Nalis, right?
The old weapons were made in a different time, but they currently exist in the time you were in. We've been through this before.
Ditto with DM-Gothic.
How do you know the Nails are the same ones that were in Unreal? a) Most of the Nalis got killed and b) The Nalis in UT are a minority of fighting Nalis. The ones in Unreal never made the slightest attempt at fighting.

&gt;"Time" is the 4th dimension. You constantly travel through time (forward), or you simply wouldn't be able to move since the time was "frozen". This is not the case, so you travel through time.
When most people talk about time travelling, they talk about moving through time in a different direction than the one we normally move in. This is what I mean and everyone else means by time travel.

I didn't understand a word of that crap at the end of the message, but what I THINK you mean is that time travel and magic don't exist. I never said they did. I don't see what that argument had to do with anything.


If anyone discovers what the Universe is for, and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarrely inexplicable.


The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
Thanks Loibisch. :)

So Sam, you're so smart...tell me what's going to be on page 6. :)


Llamas spit and poo, and not in the humourous way that monkeys do. They're dirty dirty animals.


The Odd Member
Jan 3, 2000
First I have to say that you don't argue with insanity but with me.
Second I have to say that you even managed not to answer most of my numbered points, which makes it a lot harder for me to write an answer since I have to refer to my other posts again...:p

First your arguments...:
6) Yeah, maybe you could have misunderstood something... :).
What I want to say is the following: It doesn't matter what you understoond it's important what was meant. If you (or somebody else) get(s) it wrong "Unreal Universe" could still be meant by saying universe. If you don't get the proper meaning it doesn't change the intended sense of the sentence.

9a, henceforth 9.5)
"I think they'd get a simple word like 'universe' right though."
a)The word universe is simple, but we're talking of the meaning here.
b)You think the universe is simple??? It's very complex.
c)The different meanings of "they're, their, there" are pretty "simple" (even for me though I'm German :)). I've seen (US/English) people here doing it wrong (one example out of many). So I guess they could still make a mistake since "Nobody is perfect".
d)The different meanings of universe easily lead to the chance that they forgot one or two... ;)

Let's get to #10 (which you forgot to number btw...:
a)Nope, I float through space, since I often managed to get shot off the ship. So I'm floating in space. Didn't jump in any way.

b)"The old weapons were made in a different time, but they currently exist in the time you were in. We've been through this before."
My point was how do you see that weapons were made in a different time, but they currently exist in the time you were in? You simply see the weapons, the architecture, the Nalis...you don't see if they're out of another time or just "compressed" (???). And since you can't see it you can't say that there's no time compression involved.

c)Ditto with DM-Gothic

d.a)Most of the Nalis survived when I played the game.
d.b)Have you ever played the U4E testlevel (it has old architecture, too)? The Nalis there are exactly like the ones from Unreal. They don't attack, shout "Obudah" like the old ones, cover themselves with their arms...sweet memories.

Lets make that 11)
I said: "Since I can't see them (the "pics"), they have to be in another universe, right?
a)This would render Morety's argument ("Universes and dimensions other than our own exist.") valid again."
b)Think again of Morety's other statement:
"Planet Unreal is a part of my Universe."

12)"I didn't understand a word of that crap at the end of the message, but what I THINK you mean is that time travel and magic don't exist. I never said they did. I don't see what that argument had to do with anything."

You just have to look at the last sentence of the article to get my point:
"So the only way to travel through time was like the one I told you for UT."
a)I've won either the time travel argument, since the only possible way of time travel was like you do in UT. So you travel through time (one of the arguments I need to win to proof that it is time compression, see above)
b)If you still say that time travel doesn't exist (which I doubt since there are many games out there with a time travel theme)the "thing" you do in UT has to be time compression, no time travel. Get it? :)


You haven't answered to
2), since my argument was
a)that the OED isn't the reference for gaming stuff (see my original post, I don't want to repeat everything over and over again...)
b)that certain things can't be in the OED (not enough space...). You said (again) the OED was right in every point it mentions. But if it doesn't mention stuff, it can't be right with it...right?

3), since my argument was just a "counter-argument" to your "counter-argument", so my very original argument was left untouched. I'll repeat it here:
"We're on a gaming board (or at least we try to get onto one , that's what the discussion is about), so it's obvious that when we mention things we mean the gaming aspect of them, right?"

4), since I said "So people here could still have written their posts without looking up every word in the OED." and you didn't post a proper answer to it...

5), since you still didn't post a proper answer to it...

7), since...OK, something special here. You just took a part of my point instead of the whole sentence and therefore it can only be misunderstood (your fault, sorry). My arguments were (almost getting a bit angry here but I'm a happy person, you know?):
a)"Sometimes "new words" (more exactly: new word meanings) need some time before they're added to the OED."
b)"So the OED isn't the reference when talking about a topic (i.e. computer stuff) that changes/evolves really fast."

8), since you still didn't post a proper answer to it...
a)please read my argument again and reply to it.
b)You said "A word means what the majority of people think it to mean."
Yeah, and what's with the other meanings that most people don't know? Meanings that aren't added to the OED, yet, since there aren't enough people that are interested in this point (and therefore not enough people use it, I don't say no people use it...that's a great difference)?

9), since I said: "I don't only want to show you that the "Unreal Universe" is an universe but that you could also mean it by referring to an universe [or universe], especially if done so on a gaming board. See #3 for related info." - no comment, please reply to it.


I've stopped to use the quote tag since it is responsible for messing up page 5.
I still have to write something here so I'll skip the spell-checking part again ;).


I am the Hugh Grant of Thatcherism
Mar 26, 2000
Visit site
Alright, you fricking win, I can no longer understand your arguments enough to counter-argue, plus I've got better things to do with my lunch break.

One last argument:

&gt;First I have to say that you don't argue with insanity but with me.

You are insane. Your arguments are insane. I am arguing with insanity. QED.

If anyone feels like trying to disprove Loibisch, feel free to take over. I'm fed up with it now.


If anyone discovers what the Universe is for, and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarrely inexplicable.


The Odd Member
Jan 3, 2000
You've been a worthy enemy and now I can wear my custom status with pride :).
Do you mind if I (maybe) use that sig you "invented"? Don't know if I'll really do it but hey :).

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>You are insane. Your arguments are insane.
I am arguing with insanity. QED.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

1) I am insane :)
2) My arguments were, too, but they did what I wanted them to do :)
3) You are still arguing with me (full of insanity). I'm not the personification of insanity...err...well...maybe I am, but that doesn't really fit in here, does it? We're talking about UT here

We've had a good discussion here and I have respect for you getting me that far :)


Anyone may feel free to take over but I doubt anyone will...Sam_the_man and I have driven this waay too far for someone else to be able to understand it :)


I am the Hugh Grant of Thatcherism
Mar 26, 2000
Visit site
Sure, you can use that sig, but no-one'll know what it means though :).


If anyone discovers what the Universe is for, and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarrely inexplicable.


I am the Hugh Grant of Thatcherism
Mar 26, 2000
Visit site
Sure, you can use that sig, but no-one'll know what it means though :).


If anyone discovers what the Universe is for, and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarrely inexplicable.


The Odd Member
Jan 3, 2000
Hehe, I know :). That's the reason why I'm not sure yet if I'm going to use it...=).


If anyone discovers what the On Topic thread is for, and why it is here, a moderator will instantly delete it and Loibisch will replace it with something even more stupid. - Sam_the_Man, the On Topic thread


The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
Sam and Loibisch. I'd just like to say that arguing about insanity is totally OFF topic for this thread. The two of you should take it elsewhere as this thread is ON topic. }(


Because hey, if it weren't for Llamas? I wouldn't seem like such a great guy.
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