Well aware of crow's maturity level, I was prepared to refrain from commenting on the obvious; however, I changed my mind after actually downloading the file. Not only did your vid announcement post and vid documentation (What sort of pre-pubescent loser uses their own documentation to insult the work of another? Rhetorical question of course.), but the video itself had sections dedicated to downgrading Jimmeh's vid.
Are you so insecure that you're threatened by the success that the work of another receives? Do you feel you have to insult that person in order to elevate your opinion of yourself? Constantly worried about the opinions of others? If you live in Canada, you've most likely seen the commercials created by the government to curb verbal abuse present in the "societies" of 10-15 year old females. The sad bit is that your level of maturity closely resembles that of the people in said commercials. Even more sad is the fact that your sense of insecurity is occuring over the Internet; the synonym of anonymous. I truly pity you crow. It is worse to be pitied than it is to be hated.
Since the theme for this thread seems to be one of immaturity, Detta and I have decided to join in and "role play" along with those, oh so loveable, pets!
All pet are hereby banned from the Omniscient server: do not ask us to scrim, do not ask to use our server, do not attempt to pub on our server. Each time a pet member is spotted on our server, he will be banned.
Am I being immature? Certainly. I am simply tired of having to put up with antics from certain members of pet, crow being one of them of course, and having snake apologize for his members' actions later on. The action we're taking now should resolve this problem. Of course, feel free to irc myself or Detta if you feel like actually acting on the situation snake.