Attention, /me gets a bit upset and offensive:
Beppo, do you really think that the people here didn't try to play as teams? Do you really think they didn't try to vary their tactics? Do you really think they didn't try to play slow and organised?
I bet most of the clanmembers and even looners here did. But it apparently it just doesn't work. There are a number of problems with EAS that make teamplay impossible.
I'll just describe what usually happens:
Lets imagine an match on Bordertown. The team spawns as a whole and they can work together (they even do), then they reach the village and here and there they get losses and the respawn in different waves. The few that are left on the front will mostly be alone. The respawners are also mostly alone but try to reach the front. While they do so, the survivors of the first wave get killed and respawn - while the others are nearly in the town, again.
If you tell me that doesn't happen, you have a pretty good imagination.
The solution would be to increase the wavetimer so that more people spawn together, but thats not possible because then the spawns will be camped because there are times when there are no people left who hold back the oposing forces.
The respawns have another problem: You alllways have to change your position. If you don't, you'r a dead man in less then one minute. In clan matches even more then in publics. This is because if you shoot someone, he will know your position (don't tell us to choose better positions, there aren't so many like you may think). In clanmatches he will even tell the position to a clanmate, but the least thing is that he will come back 60s or 90s later and throw a M67 or 40mm on your head.
The result is: total chaos
Don't tell the community (us) that we don't know how to do teamplay, we have done ALOT of teamplay with DTAS, the JgKdo has done very very disciplined and effective teamplay with DTAS and guess what, it still works with 2.9 and DTAS, but not with EAS and respawns.
The 121st tried a EAS server without respawns, guess what happend?
Players played slow, together in teams and the game was tense like hell. The only problem is, that the dead players have to wait pretty long until the match is over and that the last missions objectives are mostly completed without defenders left.
So please, accept it: respawns are bad
A roundbased EAS would rock. One objective per round, one live per objective - the heaven for teamplay with nice missions.
It sure is very dissapointing and hard to accept that all your work that you put into EAS and all the mappers work they put in the EAS missions is not used. But sometimes things don't turn out as good as one wants them to.
Telling people that all they do is play the game wrong doesn't really help and doesn't make them play different.
The gamemode is a set of rules and should push the gamestyle into a certain direction. EAS does this, but into the wrong direction.