I admire you guys that can do that. I don't have the patients to handle that. People get too bossy and others getting in the way etc. Then people constantly trying to screw you out of cash. My favorite that I hear is "give us the raws and we will make the prints ourselves."
You know, I got walked all over during my first 2 years. People always trying to save a buck by taking things out of your packages, trying to add extra people into the shoot or squeezing in more time for the shoot. I restructured my business model to accommodation for this. Now days, the length of the wedding has no affect on the price, and if they add more people to a portrait session I comply willingly after letting them know that there is an additional charge for added people. I'm always professional and I do it with enthusiasm. You get to see right away how much they want to add extra people.
BTW I get paid for a portrait session when the client arrives. Its less awkward this way.
I always say yes to the RAW file question. But a price has to be negotiated. Usually its just because the person knows a photographer who wants to play with a professional photographers raw files and run them through stupid filters. "Look what I did!" I'm happy to accommodation but there is a high price to pay. They usually say no after they realized that its less expensive for me to develop and give the client a final product than it is to give their photographer friend the files and maybe it might turn out ok. Again, always say yes but be firm with your prices. These sort of things should always be negotiated before hand.
I have also found that as my prices when up, those annoying questions went away. I rarely get annoying questions like "can we see all of the wedding photos, not just the ones you put up in a gallery?" At some point the client just has to trust that they got the best photos from the shoot and move on.
Everyone who charges money for their photography work should watch this video. What if your customers behaved the same way in other businesses: