*NTKB falls on his knees and PLEADS to yurch!

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Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
spm1138 said:
Here's an idea... if you don't like 286, why don't you get your **** together like Duke did and produce your own version?

Because I dont have 20 hours a day to code... LOL

Anyway I didnt mean to come off too harsh. Yeah your right this is the place to discuss, not prove anything. Ive been stressed out lately due to RL problems didnt mean to sound like that. Sorry.


Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
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<P^R>Imperial they are making a new RA because they had some ideas which started off with the "zoom". They then added some ideas that have been discussed over time such as bleeding, first aid, climbing. Of course to test properly you need a server.

I am very happy with RAv2 but some of the ideas in RA286 are interesting. I have some problems I have posted but over all I do like it.

I still mostly play RAv2 because at this point it has all the pluses and few negs. I also accept that RA286 is still beta and my view can easily change with the next upload.


Mar 31, 2002
I agree 100% with Ben.

I don't like a few of the features right now because I believe they need serious work. I understand it's a beta at the moment so I'm not going to condemn it because honestly, I don't mind whatever happens. The original RAv2 just seems a little more playable at the moment but, as far as I know, it is a final release for 286.


--Total World Domination--
Nov 9, 2002
maryland, USA
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Listen, if you want to play it fine. I agree, this new ra286 is bugged right now. It has some features that i find very undesireable, but other aspects are nice. Atthis point id rather play regualar rav2 but i can stand to play ra286. im not going to make my decision till the final beta.


Forever sig-less
Jun 14, 2000
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jaymian said:
And we are talking about a possible RAV3 for goddamn INF 2.9? Since INF 2.86 was supposedly slapped together to please the community, I can see why RA was created. But it has been nearly 2 years in the making for 2.9 or whatever they will call it. And I believe Yurch is on the beta testing team. These combined, I would think INF 2.9 would NOT need an RA. Or so I would hope. If I have waited all this time or more just to have to download an "RA patch", I will be very dissappointed. I hope INF 2.9 will be correctly tweaked in time for release, such that it will not need any further adjustments to gameplay to make it more realistic. If it isn't realistic by now, it probably never will be.

I'm sorry to say it, but I think that there will be a need for a RealAim mutator for Inf 2.9. Why? Because the game that the vanilla community wants is radically different from the one RA players want to see. Then again, Inf 2.9's development is certainly not community-run, so I might be completely surprised with the result. In any case, I await 2.9 as eagerly as anyone else.

"i disagree. The zoom doesn't make shooting any easier. It makes target aquisition a fair amount easier, but putting the bullets into the enemy is not easier due to the zoom. The ease of shooting in ra286 is due to the reduced weapon bob, weapon misalignment, and recoil."

The zoom makes targets easier to see AND it makes iron sights larger, so they are easier to see and align on your target. After that, the weapons in RA are accurate enough to do the rest, so the zoom DOES make shooting easier. However, the reduced weapon bob, misalignment, and recoil also play a role in giving iron sights an advantage. And I too dislike the aforementioned adjustments, regardless of what the "experts" say.


Da sharpest man around!
Jan 29, 2002
The Netherlands
Bla Bla Bla, i see the inf community still hasn't changed one bit...

You are all still complaining about evrything. Duke and Toad clearly stated they make this for themselves. Thus no reason to get upset, no reason to demand, no reason to whine really....


Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
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Yes I know they are making it for themselves. I also know that they can ignor us if they want to. Some of us are trying to make valid points and concerns. They can do whatever they want. Some of us like it and want to contribute suggestions. Nothing wrong with that.

If they were not interested in our opions and ideas I am sure we would have been told to **** off by now. The fact that somethings have been implemented suggests they are listening.

I considered my points valid. The bleed out issue either seems to be better balanced last night or I was not as unlucky I was the other night. Maybe it was the same but it seemed different. I really like the first aid bind. Good work.

It also seems that the weapons are more difficult to aim in zoom. Not 100% sure on this one but it seems so. Good thing.

Also I am not sure how the ballistics are but they seem "off" for the 57 although that could very well have been just me screwing up last night.

Toad knows about the ricochet bug. People like the manual reload on the robar. People also like the changes to the shotgun. More good work.

I am still not 100% fan of the current implementation of the "zoom" but for me its not a make it or break deal since it appears that changes to some of the weapons will lessen the effects. I don't use the "zoom" much anyways and it has made me more of a carefull player. Overall this is probably a good thing.

My concern for climbing is strictly about map exploits. We were messing about Inner City last night. oh boy.

I also understand things can change very quickly with the next upload.

The reason we complain so much is that we love this game and RA. We can just as easily walk away with no comments. I am sure there are times they want us to do that. I very much respect what they are doing. Keep going guys.

PS: Its really sad. I jumped onto the PR server and had to DL the newest RA286. In that time I had a shower, got a cold drink, some chips, two nanomi bars, checked to see what was on TV upstairs and when I got back it was at 90%. Say a prayer to the broadband Gods for me so that we can get it our area. Thanks.
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May 23, 2002
Hi :p

Well, i feel like posting...

NT, nothing has changed between you and me, you're on crack :p
i still consider you an INF buddy.. your preference to ra286 is irrelevant in that matter.. and if i left the server that one night abruptly, it was because i was tired (finding bugs in the code online pisses me off), not because i was ignoring you..

At first, the idea spawned as just the gunsight view to compensate for 90 degree FOV "fish-eyed syndrome". i did try to make this for the public and see how people would like it. i found out quickly.. i read some of the RA history in the forums, yurch went thru hell it seemed; so i decided not to go there. From that point, Toad and I just started to implement extra stuff as it came for ****s and giggles. i never really expected people to like what i'd put in simply because i think i've held the title of Most Hated Player for a while.. and whatever you may think, your preference will always be biased in a sense to the way you feel about the person. But i don't mind the rants i've seen so far; it was expected. Besides, i've gotten to know most of you that way :)

...No, the real reason i've been away coding is because Bunnie doesn't play anymore and i got bored. i got to know the scripting a lot more to my benefit and it was just for fun.. not realism. PR1 has been testing this because Bushie is a good friend of mine and he likes what i've changed. Aside from the fact that i've been getting value tweaks from Bushie and Toad (who actually have real life military experience with REAL guns..you know the ones that go *BANG* really loud and dig your own grave?), the theme was taking a turn for the surreal and just plain goofie :p For instance, you drop the Robar if you hip shoot it now, but originally i wanted to make it knock you out flat on your ass if you so happen to shoot it while standing! but i got lazy..and was warded off that suggestion by Taque whom i officially deem the RA Robar Whore :D

There are features that are not so off the top though.. like the blood physics and bleeding (which btw is no longer so detrimental that it kills you fast, and which you can stop by the help of a teammate). Ricocheting bullets work quite nicely now as well--

But back to the surreal...how can you not have fun blowing away someone with a gamma bomb, hearing him scream the long extended cry, and having him reduced to a "bucket of uncooked KFC" ('gibbed' for those who don't understand)? Yes people, the phaser frag mode option is the most ambitious addition to the mutator. i don't know, but i have fun playing that, i need a change every now and then..

Anyhow, i haven't been following up on the posts and comments about ra286 because you should know that it's not my way to visit the forums often, and i don't really play INF anymore :p As yurch adequately put, there are other priorities in order, even for me.. BTW yurch, it's great working with your scripts--you have the most hilarious documentation lol

i've enjoyed playing INF with you guys this past year and I salute the RA community.. and have it know that i still consider its members a bunch of pissants intent on breaking my balls :p

P.S. I don't have 20 hours to code.. I have a motherphuckin' 8-hour job as a SARS screener in a hospital Monday-Friday.. and I sleep too :p
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INF Online moderator
well, being that ra286 is for duke's sake, "goofy" may i please beg and plead for one thing

m67/40mm gibbing!!!! jesus christ yes, thats what i've been wanting in inf... no gibbing with guns, gibbing with grenades that are close enough... that would be the ****. i've always wanted to hold the m67, pin and spoon removed, and watch as its burning hot shrapnel tears me to pieces, and the explosive concussion turns me into a greasy stain 7 feet long on the floor.

quite honestly, i like the bleeding (im lying, i love the bleeding), the zooming thing is wierd, the grenade effect is awesome, so are the 40mm trails, that was done very nicley. as for jumping... there should probably be hurdles infront of me, or at least, thats what it feels like. overall, i think its kinda cool, its new, and thats exactly what the community needs. however, im not up for everyone making their own RA, because if all 7 of this community go and make their own RA, then nobody will be playing on anybody elses servers because we'll be playing our own RA's.


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
Im glad to hear that Duke, regarding the way you feel, and im sorry you lost interest in the game since bunny has been missing. I just needed to rant alittle... ;)