Part of the problem is communication. No discussion from their end. I don't have a problem with that if they plan to develop it for themselves and if others like it fine. - I believe this is the approach they are taking. If the plan is to provide something for the entire community then their approach is not working.
Like they said its not meant to replace RA.
RAv1 when it was released had one sole purpose... To enhance realism more fully. Reducing recoil, adding a zoom and reducing the sway detracts from that goal. They are moving the realism movement backwards.
Either way this debate seems pointless since 2.90 is coming... I just pray they dont try and divide the community with a RA290...
There HAS been communication between Duke and the RA community, and Duke and (especially) Toad have been receptive and responsive to input from the people who play their mod. I think there should be more community involvement in the development, but having a very dedicated coder who will pursue his own vision isn't always a bad thing.
Maybe so, but ra286 has been more or less forced on some players because it is being tested on the P^R1 server, which has become the best option for many players since the untimely demise of the other major North American RAv2 servers; those run by GD and AFA.
I would agree that ra286 has lost some of the realism-intensive spirit of RA, though I also think that the point is quite arguable.
This debate is not at all pointless - the saga of ra286 has highlighted the RA community's need for new development leadership, at least while Yurch is sidelined. Also significantly, the role of the RA community in further development is obviously not well defined. Finally, the changes made in ra286 may or may not resurface as options for RA after Inf 2.9 is released, so we might as well address the issues now.
Most importantly, I had hoped no one would go so far as to say that Duke and Toad should not develop RA290 because I for one believe that Inf 2.9 will NOT satisfy the RA community's desire for realism and Ra290 is not going to code itself - we will absolutely need people like Duke and Toad to step forward and lead the development effort.
jasdave said:I can understand the zoom, since the person's eye is closer to the guns iron site. Especialy on pistols. So maybe a feature should be implemented where the person can move the weapon closer (+ zoom) and move the weapon away (-zoom).
Only some weapons should be able to be zoomed / moved closer to sites. Likes pistols, and SOME other guns. Good idea? bad?
I assume the zoom isn't that great? (my gfx broke, cannot try INF or INF RA untill I get a new card/PC... Can some one post a pic of it on zoom? and a features lsit?)
Wrong. JGKDO was around wayyy before RA286. In fact when GD2 was axed and GD3 was having problems ppl would be playing on JGKDO. Now GD4 has been up for 2 weeks and AFA3 will be up very soon. I DID notice however that players stopped playing once RA286 went into dev. I know for a fact we lost Asmodeus one of our clan members because he was fed up with the zoom BS. He said he isnt coming back now till 2.90 because he has no interest in playing now.
I dont see where any argument can be made. It basically runs now like Vanilla INF but with slower movement and now you even have a zooooom! wheeeee! I can shoot you now across Island with an M9! Yay! Realism!
I disagree. Yurch left us a gem that has wayyy more playability till 2.9 comes out. I dont want any development leadership thats gonna detract form the spirit of RA. Test your RA286 on MUF, not an RAv2 Server. Either way if the authors of "RA"286 should have enabled a switch to turn on and off the features desired and it should be renamed to something else that doesnt contain "Real Aim" in it. Because its not.
Wrong. Yurch said he was going to make a RAv3 for 2.90. We dont need Duke or TOAD to do that for us. Yurch can easily code the new nade effects, blood and critical impacts and even the climbing, if tweaked alittle into RAv3. There is no need for a RA290. I would sacrafice my future child to make sure Yurch coded RAv3 over Duke and TOAD since they allready proved they are not responsible enough with realism to continue in Yurchs shoes. In fact I dont understand why Yurch hasnt said "enough!" yet. But thats his perogative. Either way if Yurch gives up and doesnt code RAv3 and 2.90 isnt as realistic as RAv2 then I think im done with Infiltration. The only reason I started playing was for the realism and thats the only reason I continue to play. And I think I speak for the majority of RA players when i say that.
yurch said:And isn't JgKdo running or at least was running another modified version of RA?
yurch said:As for the zoom thing, it was something I also had brought up and was considering implementation. (I remember a thread, but it died with the forum crash) I've seen it used in IL2 almost flawlessly and plenty of standard FPS's to decent sucess, and I may add some of them feel quite natural with it. I don't know if or how duke went 'wrong' with his implementation but it's something I plan on examining fully.(Note that even simply changing the FOV in inf requires a re-offset of the sights, no short amount of work.) If someone wishes to discuss it I'll be glad to take up a thread for it.