Originally posted by yurch
Bias, bah. Ive played TDM on clanmatch, not much more than a really careful version of it.
try using some teamwork then
and a stratagie
multipal plans of attack
plan LOF overlap, have a rearguard
rush once in a while just for the fun of it(well not just the fun of it but because then you can get behind the enamy and do a pinser manover)
do some "stuped" things sometimes, just to try and catch the other team offguard (unpredictabilaty is the key!)
if your just playing more carefull your doing something wrong IMO
another thing
what is war but one big TDM match?(ok oversimplifyed but you get the idea)
and as this is a infantry simulator (thats what everybody seems to think anyway) TDM is what should be played
since we are not specialy forces our orders will never be much more complicated the liberate that town or destoy enamy resistance in that area
infantry men dont get orders as complex and the ones in AS-cubandawn or Chita46
and thats just normal AS
with EAS it can only get more complex(thats what im hoping for anyway)
a capture and bring back mission (like the new CTF) is on the border of infantry/specialy forces altou it would still be a unusualy order to give to infantry