[ol' crusty]Back in UT days, we had a mutator called "spree bonus" that worked very much like adrenaline... sort of.[/ol' crusty] If you got a Killing Spree, you got the thighpads. If you extended to Rampage, you got the armor. At higher levels of the spree, you got UDamage, shieldbelt, the works. These weren't temporary, either... they lasted as long as they would if you'd run over the corresponding pickup.
It was kind of a nice alternative system for doing what adrenaline does, but at the same time kind of a drag as well... way overpowered. When adren first came out, I thought "Ah, a balanced version of spree bonus -- N1." Then I realized that spree bonus had one virtue that adren didn't: it was a wacky custom mutator that you didn't run into that often, whereas adren was everywhere. Given that last factor, I think spree bonus was far superior.
If adrenaline goes the way of the dodo, I doubt I'll shed a single tear -- it's silly.
It was kind of a nice alternative system for doing what adrenaline does, but at the same time kind of a drag as well... way overpowered. When adren first came out, I thought "Ah, a balanced version of spree bonus -- N1." Then I realized that spree bonus had one virtue that adren didn't: it was a wacky custom mutator that you didn't run into that often, whereas adren was everywhere. Given that last factor, I think spree bonus was far superior.
If adrenaline goes the way of the dodo, I doubt I'll shed a single tear -- it's silly.