I´ve read my posts again and indeed sometimes it looks like I mean things have-to be the way I explain, but that's not how I mean it. I just mean it as contrapoints that can be discussed further. So I´m sorry.
The HUD explanation and pictures are not meant to be exactly that way. They are just examples I did in few seconds to explain my thoughts (since my typo sucks).
And you mean the full gear and health info that can be checked in a window is not what the thread is about, but when you want to have no HUD and don't give people the ability to get more info about their character, it will cause problems. For example, you have lots of loadouts and it's hard to know every detail about them (in RL you use your few weapons that you all check and strape/put separated on your vest/neck/helster before mission).
I allready hear the complaints when players need to go to the loadaout menu and click several times to reach your used loadout. When you don't want to have a HUD, you need a replacement.
And my typo sucks often, cuz often I type very fast and use simple grammar.
I (personally/imo/humbly) thought about the compass actually beeing a real tool to grab and hold. I think a bit of intelligence would be used, cuz you can check the directions and note them. Like the sun is there and at the other side is west.
When the map is correct and you see the sun and you know it is morning you could tell where the east is without a compass.
The orientation would be important when mates give you enemy position directions you have to know.
I (personally/imo/humbly) have also a thought about a map. A map is a good thing, but it needs to be put out of the bag and so, that takes time.
On the other hand, every soldier had a briefing before and have an idea about the place, the mission directions and all that, but since it is all in his mind it is more of a simplified version of a map.
Ingame you could be able to fast check this mindmap. The looks of it wouldn't be like a real map, but like a blurry layout/outline, very simplified.
I know, the player could check the map and note himself, but the map can't replace a full briefing and preparation time of a real soldier.
This mind map could have an update system, like mates reported a specific area is clear and objective done, you would remind it.
This mindmap is very simple, it is meant as a help for the player, since it is sometimes to hard to orientate yourself in them ap and communication is not as effective.
The real map that you put out of the bag would be a fullscreen map, in every detail, where you could even mark points with the mouse. Holding mouse would draw a line. Pushing right mouse key, a cursor would appear and you could write on the map.
Maybe you could even give your drawing to other players as a report in so they can orientate (damn I allready imagine the weird things people will do with that feature
As you said, all the stuff (compass, map, GPS) would be items you have to select. That would be very good.
Sorry for the long post, will be over soon.
@Gear 'Status' Checking ingame:
As I said a way to open a window to check your loadout (+health) as you would in real life look down the vest to see ammo and so on, would be cool.
But it should behave more organic.
Means the primary rifle would be slightly seen from behind (as you see the rifle when it is slinged on the body, or you hold it in hands).
Since you see the magazines in the pouch, you see it from above (where the bullet is sticking out of the mag). Same you would see the mags.
Maybe even in a small pouch. So under the weapon icon you see few pouches with ammo in it (all fro mabove), when ammo is spend, the pouches are empty.
That would just require a good picture, or photo as a pic.
Same with the pistol, you see it from above, like it is in the holster (maybe even with a visible holster, and when the pistol is pulled/used they is no visible holster).
Cool would be if the pouche pictures would mach the color of your current vest. If you use a CQB urban SWAT type vest, it would be black. If you are an infantry soldier it would be green, could add something to the general feel).
My wish is just to make it more natural and 'organic', without all the digital numbers, codes, which makes all so flat.
I´m officially sorry for the long post.