No blowouts.

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CXP Director
Jan 31, 2004
Jaybo said:
12m will be running a Newbie server
Great idea, newbie servers are a great idea, i just hope that no one ruins it for noobs ( i have drivin away a noob or 2 just by the control scheme :( )

Jaybo said:
Point them all there and I will personally teach everyone.

People who "havent" the time for newbies should also consider the reason why they are called "newbies" ... taken from the word "new" which could translate to them throwing the game out the window if they dont get that "feel good" factor. Joe Bloggs sat in a Jugg spawnkilling isnt "feel good" factor.

So heres a suggestion... Be nice and help newbies, or we will end up with 20 clans again and no Clanbase cups...and THAT will be a shame.
i concure with this... lets be nice to those who are new... i know that with a few weeks of them getting used to utxmp that they will be joinin us for good real games. ( I started way way back on noob servers, and then worked my way up to playin in clan games )


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
I can see it now...

too many beers, smoking a bong...

Veteran . o O (DUDE...time to frag some noobs...)

- veteran joins noob server -

Noob . o O (Who is this guy? Why is he being an /\$$?)

Veteran. o O (OMF, hat2u!!!11)

Noob . o O (WTF, is hat2u?)

Veteran. o O (HAT2U!!!!111)

Noob . o O (This guy is kicking my butt!!!)

Veteran. o O (HAT2U!!!!!!111)

Noob . o O (Why can't he stop saying "omf, hat2u"?)

Veteran . o O(HAT2U!!!!!11)

Noob . o O (I think I want to join this awesome clan, pet)

Veteran . o O (Wot? I'm leaving...btw gg's and HAT2U!!!111)

Noob . o O (Why did he leave? I must have been pwning him!!! I'll join pet...)
Last edited:


Master Beta
Apr 2, 2004
NEWBIES: If you see me on a server and you need explanations of anything, just ask.

I wouldn't have gotten far if someone didn't take the time to explain energy consumption to me one day when I was first starting. Thanks whoever that was, <3 for the old SV server.


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hanover_Fist said:
Alright, here's a chance for you veterans to the original XMP to show some love.

Plain and simple, don't rape the newbies. If you do, then you are seriously going to damage a potential flourishing community.

XMP gameplay is extremely complex, and anyone that is going to try it for the first time is going to be completely lost. Don't take advantage of that.

Help out, if it means just spamming explanations and not playing, then do just that.

Thanks. :D

I agree with you one hundred percent and when they mess up a game by not doing something right take the time to tell them in a way that says hey these guys are ok,on the other hand when you get the i know everything ,teamkiller spammer,lets hope kick vote works we do not need that type of player .



New Member
Dec 15, 2004
To start off with, I was a Beta tester for the orginal XMP, and made the decision to leave U2XMP a bout 7 months ago. Why did I decide to do this? It was the based on the fact that another patch for the game was needed, which was not going to happen, and the people who played XMP at the time. Granted, I was never among the elite of XMP. I learned how to "trick jump" and Concussion Grenade jump, blah, blah, and blah.

You can ditch my credentials, feel they are worthless, whatever you think of them. The point that I am trying to make is not to make anyone upset, angry, pissed off, or even defensive. My point is to look at the situation. The beauty of forums is history... Look back at the past year that on all of the crap that has occurred in the Beyond Unreal forums. Its a freaking Moderator Nightmare!

I was on the Myunreal server tonight (Yes its true- its back up running XMP after the months of being down). I heard someone complaining about the "noobs" on the server that were pissing them off because they didn't know what they were doing.

I can understand frustration because you are on a losing team, but I believe what the "old schoolers" are missing is that fresh blood is an excellent thing. Cultivate it, and don't turn this game into another mod that just was. Hold your freaking tongue, or try to give them instruction... If not, refer them to the online manual, or a newbie friendly server. In other words don't alienate the next generation.

I am not asking you to play easier or anything short of everything that you have. As an outside observer who doesn't post but reads on a daily basis at work this has gotten utterly ridiculous.

Feel free to disagree with me. All I ask is that you keep it in a constructive manner, and also think about what you have written. Because, the "n00bs" go to also.

"New School Power"


The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
Umm, does it count if I just FIGHT like a noob? Also, I'm on 56k, so I'm in desperate need of kindness and understanding (and funding, can't get DSL without cash!)


Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
GotBeer? said:
Umm, does it count if I just FIGHT like a noob? Also, I'm on 56k, so I'm in desperate need of kindness and understanding (and funding, can't get DSL without cash!)

Getting DSL would be cheaper. It pays itself back in couple of months if no new cables are needed to install. In the beginning of next year I get 2 meg ADSL as the ISP updates its speeds. <3 :) And best of all, couple of euros cheaper than current half meg connection. Whee. I think broadbands are nowadays very affordable in most countries. (Though in Korea you can get 100 Mbits at same price as we get crappy DSL :()


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
LMAO i live at the end of the dead end in Idaho and i get dsl with 3000 down 768 up for 29.99 per month verizon ......


Evil Clown
Oct 4, 2004
this is a good thread... and though i am technically still a noob ive gotten a lot of help from people... showing me places... giving me tips and tricks... overall the community so far has been great!