Mister_Prophet said:oh geez...
oh come on, we didnt have a nice "heated" debate since alexander and his cloudwars maps
btw. who deleted a few threads? mass? he's more hitler than the average buf admin(to zark: no, hitler doesnt work that way
Mister_Prophet said:oh geez...
Balton said:btw. who deleted a few threads? mass? he's more hitler than the average buf admin(to zark: no, hitler doesnt work that way)
And thats where our opinions crash.
Redfist his maps might have a decent gameplay, and for some gamers gameplay is enough,
But we wouldn’t buy ut, unreal, quake, duke nukem, doom 1,2,3 and so on if only the gameplay was good,
No it has to be nice and good looking as well.
And trough my and most other mappers eyes we see that redfist lacks knowledge and ability to make good maps.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against redfist unless he makes a comment that totally makes no sense.
And I am sure he eventually will gain that knowledge and ability.
Redfist gave a lot of the best maps out there grades so damn low that they make no sense,
To make it worse, he tries to find a reason that also totally makes no sense, sometimes his reason to give a map a low rating is actually the ‘easter egg’ that makes the map so very nice.
I do notice that he finally understands that if he goes against the crowd (and with those I mean 80% of the nalicity people that agree with each other at most points) he will end up the outcast.
And yes, sometimes red makes a good comment, and if you would look trough the posts, you would see that I sometimes agree with red as well.
When I look at a map, I don’t look at gameplay alone, though very important, I look at the whole package.
Redfist doesn’t know how to align textures correctly, and loses points for that.
Redfist his botpaths are very basic and don’t need any thought of since most of his layouts are very simple.
Redfist his lighting… there isn’t almost any, and if there is, there is no lightsource, light alone doesn’t exist, it needs to come from something, like the sun, a lamp, glowing fireflies etc.
The choise of his textures are again very bad, they don’t look right together, or aren’t even textures that should be used for walls.
He doesn’t know how to make things fit into one genre/theme/atmosphere.
I agree, you have to try something different to be different, but there is a line between a rebel and just doing something.
I cant say redfist belongs to the first, since his entire maps are just made without thinking twice,
Without adding any decent detail that make the map solid, without adding those little things that can make a map worth while.
I gave him a 0.5 for a lot of reasons.
Also because he flamed at the good mappers and giving their maps low grades.
Now I am getting flamed because I gave a 0.5 to a map, that I honestly cant rate any higher compared to the top quality maps.
But redfist flames at tons of other maps giving them grades that they don’t deserve, but are you people mailing redfist about that? No.
If redfist makes a map that is really worth playing, and looks better than the ‘lets put water on the walls here’ maps he is making.
I even offered redfist my help since I do know everything there is about ued 2.0 and almost everything there is about 3.0
I gave him my email so he could contact me on msn, instead of that you people used it to flame at me.
And think of it, if I hated you or redfist, would I really take the time to explain all of this?
I don’t like redfists maps, and I explained why. This has nothing to do with him, but his maps.
And if you look at the comments redfist gets, you should know that I am not the only one.
And if you know the past me and a lot of others have had with redfist, you could understand that we are rougher against redfist, he called almost every good mapper dumb (and worse), comes with maps that have the quality of maps that where released in ut’s first year, they just don’t get near the quality of the ut maps that are released recently,
If he understands that, and actually put work in his map, he will get better comments, and if he finally respects criticism, and don’t start flaming at a person because they gave advice he would have been accepted a lot better.
And I don’t talk others down, unless they deserve it,
Like sending me that first email that had stupidness dripping off.
If it was a normal email, with normal words, and no friggin flames I wouldn’t react with the words 'little child' or something like that.
If a mapper has spend time in his map, and asks me for guidance, advice, help or god knows what, he can expect a small review of what I think of the map, but no lies, I tell them what others might think, or even better, I tell them what they would hear from their boss if they made a map like they did, this can be positive, but also negative, but always the truth.
Yes, for a lot of people mapping is just fun and it should be fun.
But if a map is there just for fun, don’t submit it to nalicity, because there are actually a lot of damn good mappers that will tell you whats wrong in the map, and most of the time wont tell you whats good.
This because a map is just as good as the worst part, and if a mapper would take the time to do something about the bad parts, his map eventually would look and play much better.
Again, I have nothing against red, and in my humble opinion the ratings I gave are right,
But that doesn’t mean that I hate him or his maps.
Its just a look at a map from my perspective, and the ‘rules’ or ‘ways’ of mapping for unreal.
I really do hope that redfist will see the light and make awesome maps,
This way redfist will get my respect and the respect from others.
And we got a nice good looking map to play as well.
Also, the difference between the reviewer and me where only about 4 points, (0.5 and 4.5)
If his map would’ve gotten a 5.5 or higher, I would gladly say that I am wrong.
But this time, I do feel that I am right.
I am sorry about that, since it pisses people off.
But if I learned one thing from mapping it is this:
You can never ever satisfy every person that plays your map.
That’s all I have to say for now.
Take care.
Yoeri – Cursed_Soul – Vleer.
Hourences said:right
there we go again![]()
As for cursed's map, visually it was nice but pretty average yeah. Exploding barrels were interesting but gimmicky. I would probably give it a 6.5. It was above average and certainly a good map.
redfist found @ http://nalicity.beyondunreal.com/map_hub.php?mid=7705
09-05-2004 09:24 PM EDT
Like I said LB give yourself a break dude. I'm happy you learned something new, but next level send something after you learned 15 new things.