Oh, so it's multithreading synchronisation with the GPU. But once again, they need to utilise it first, it doesn't just come out of the blue with DX11. And doing so might be difficult for an engine as big as UE3.
Oh, so it's multithreading synchronisation with the GPU. But once again, they need to utilise it first, it doesn't just come out of the blue with DX11. And doing so might be difficult for an engine as big as UE3.
DX11 multithreading (command list enabled) drivers weren't available ,until now.This should hopefully go some way to ending the CPU -DX API bottleneck as more studios implement this.
They're even offering them as a preview right now, and I've been running them since the beginning of this month.So far that's just on NVidia drivers. AMD's got some drivers hitting presumably later this month which are offering fairly high gains on a number of DX11 games like Civ5, suggesting they're probably doing the multi-threading thing as well.
I seriously want that Samaritan demo made into a game.
They're even offering them as a preview right now, and I've been running them since the beginning of this month.
Haven't played Civ V with them, though...
np: FaltyDL - Our Loss (Love Is A Liability)
...you go to the "Sid Meier's Civilization 5" folder in your "My Games" folder and inside you'll find a file called: "config.ini", open it up in notepad and find the command: MaxSimultaneousThreads = xx, then change the "xx" part to any number from 2 to 16, depending on what # of CPUs you have. You should also check the "GraphicsSettingsDX11.ini" file in the same folder to make sure DX11 is correctly enabled with this settting: "AllowSM50 = 1"
I have Civ 5 all patched up and maxed out in game, but when i checked these two settings the multithread setting was on 2 and AllowSM50 was set to 0, after changing them to 4 and 1 i saw a nice performance increase