Originally posted by Bootsbaby:/me smacks Wolf for not putting a disclaimer with that nasty picture
Heh, you might not want to see a certain ]LoL[/[CMi] "flamewar" thread......
And no disclaimer is needed. That's really Morety, he really can do that, and he can do it at will.
Programmers of BG2 are thinking of creating a new spell for an upcoming expansion pack. The spell is called "Morety's Mysterious Mist."
* ]LoL[Wolf`mIRC 8)'s @ jenny
* jentaii`fuck 8)@wolfie
<]LoL[Wolf`mIRC> =)
<BladeRadius> Jen that didnt look right
[Edited by Wolf Blackstar on January 8th, 2001 at 02:12 PM]