Alllllllrighty then!
The Knife-wielding Melee Skaarj (Needs no explanation
The Nali (Sometimes annoying, indeed. But hey, i get a Dispersion powerup and they get to live.)
The Mercenary (Can't hate them after playing Operation Na Pali, especially when they dance.)
The Warlord (<3 lava filled places with fitting music and rocket launchers.)
Trooper Skaarj with Dispersion pistol. (You really get tired of them after playing ISV-KRAN deck 1 for the 3382747th time)
Pupae (Kiddie Skaarj. Twats.)
Tentacle (Ok, with the exception of it's sounds)
Fly (Sigh)
Trooper Skaarj with other weapon (No dispersion pistols! Yay!)
Krall (Like their dice-playing though)