Metallica - new Blackened box set

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enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
Anyone listen to this yet? Just wondering if anyone can find out how long each song/item is on the CDs/DVDs/LPs. I'm wondering about running times and I can't find info anywhere. Thank you.


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
Also, is it just my imagination or is it hard to hear the audience on these LIVE tracks? Is it the same way on the other deluxe box sets, because you can definitely hear the audience on Live Binge & Purge.


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
You should be able to find that info, right? I mean, there's bound to be someone on youtube f.e. who's gone through the trouble of listing those things?


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
Couple things they screwed up in this box set: LIVE versions of all songs from "Black" and full concert from Oakland (Oct 12, 1991) (or at least everything that was recorded). Oakland had the live debut of "Wherever I May Roam", "Through The Never", "The Unforgiven" and "Holier Than Thou", but they forgot to include the last one.


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
Good to know I'm not hallucinating (reviews of live stuff in box set):

"Now comes Disc #3, the live stuff. I was really looking forward to a solid, well mixed live disc but it's really hit and miss. In great part, I believe, because of the venue size each track is recorded. It's very odd listening to an arena show where you can't hear the audience at all and the musicians are very dry sounding with little to no reverberation"

"For this being as Kirk Hammett put it "Metallica's Dark Side of the Moon" you would think the live recordings would've been better especially after tour lasted almost 3 full years. This is also when Metallica became complacent and super lazy. Playing a Justice Medley's night after night and not even playing the full Master of Puppets song. The only live show from this boxset that is worth listening to is the Tushino Airfield Moscow, the rest are terrible."

Yes, the only live worth listening to is the Moscow concert, but there is only a little bit of audience in this one. If you have no live Metallica, then get LIVE SH*T Binge & Purge, then get stuff from 30th anniv shows, Mexico City-2009, Six Feet Under Part II, Through The Never-2012, and then stuff from older box sets. Do not buy this for the LIVE music. However, I have no idea how the DVDs sound.