Max Payne....MOVIE? Trailer inside

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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
Max Payne, both of em', were great as far as games are concerned.

Unlike most game-to-movies I actually always thought Payne would make the best jump simply because it was never trying to take itself seriously. Right now, when games go movies they do so because the game is "serious" or has a plot such that someone thinks it'd be just perfect for Hollywood.
This never works.

Payne on the other hand would be a great action-comedy. However I think its basically been made:


is ironing his panties!
... Max Payne hasn't got a serious story?

I thought Max Payne was the one about drug dealing on the streets and the main character who's wife and child were brutally murdered? I'd have never seen Payne as an action-comedy, more like one of the games you said your tired of people making movies of.... Serious with a "good plot for hollywood".

Anyway having seen the trailer now i've got to say i'm impressed. For two reason really.
A) that Mark Wahlberg doesn't look out of place and or ruining the movie merely with his presence and B) It doesn't look unquestionably awful

I imagine the whole Winger creature thing will be a nightmare/trip based metaphorical thing relating to inner strugles and sub-texts surrounding angels and fallen angels and relations to demons and the corruption of man and blah blah blah but you know, that's all good. The movie could be a giggle.... despite Mark Wahlberg. I'm afraid i'm just not very keen on him, maybe this movie will bring him out of his shell but i doubt it, he does look like he has the Max payne face though and his voice sounded about right in the trailer so who knows...
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bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
not having played Max Payne, WTF kind of gamers are you?

the kind that probably had a life when MP was released ;)
// ---
Max Payne had about as much plot as the average action-movie had.
It kind of reminded me of a classic detective (like Mike Hammer, etc) with lots of shooting the occasional (suggestion of) nudity and voice-overs to cover the plot-holes as big as a cement-truck.

At least they appear to have gotten the style of the game correct.
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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
... Max Payne hasn't got a serious story?

I thought Max Payne was the one about drug dealing on the streets and the main character who's wife and child were brutally murdered? I'd have never seen Payne as an action-comedy, more like one of the games you said your tired of people making movies of.... Serious with a "good plot for hollywood".

It was never trying to be serious.
The plot is straight out of a carbon-copy crime drama but that's on purpose. Throughout the dialogue and the text in the cut scenes it becomes evident that their efforts were to create a spoof of the sort of genre they were aiming for. Everything from the expressions and slanted jokes thrown into the comic book-like scenes (which are a joke in and of themselves) to the way certain levels play out.
The "nightmare" levels with blood dripping down nursery walls, a baby crying, the wife yelling "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXXXXXflgdghdhgjdkghjdkfhg" in the distance.

It's pretty drummed up. If it was ever supposed to be serious, they did a horrible job.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Well I finally got to see the trailer. Wahlberg really pulls off Payne's gruffy voice pretty well actually. I am still torn on Milla being Mona Sax because she just looks too baby face for the part. Also the angels or whatever they are supposed to be better be a side effect of V or I see this being another Hollywood **** up.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Can't have a Hollywood-movie that promotes a drug-using hero, now can we ?
drugs are bad, mmmkay ? ;)


is ironing his panties!
Well I finally got to see the trailer. Wahlberg really pulls off Payne's gruffy voice pretty well actually. I am still torn on Milla being Mona Sax because she just looks too baby face for the part. Also the angels or whatever they are supposed to be better be a side effect of V or I see this being another Hollywood **** up.

I don't think they're going to have drug tripping but i think we're going to be getting some metaphorical stuff represented visually. In a kinda Kaise So-say type way, we'll be told about it then shown the reality or so.

It was never trying to be serious.
The plot is straight out of a carbon-copy crime drama but that's on purpose. Throughout the dialogue and the text in the cut scenes it becomes evident that their efforts were to create a spoof of the sort of genre they were aiming for. Everything from the expressions and slanted jokes thrown into the comic book-like scenes (which are a joke in and of themselves) to the way certain levels play out.

I'm not convinced.

There is dark humour in the games but the story and premise of the game is not a "joke" and you can't look at it as a comedy surely? Sit it side by side with an episode of friends and you'd hardly draw comparison now would you?

The "nightmare" levels with blood dripping down nursery walls, a baby crying, the wife yelling "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXXXXXflgdghdhgjdkghjdkfhg" in the distance.
You found these nightmare scenes funny? I can see the references but i can't see the humour, those levels were clearly there to be creepy and to be somewhat cool not to make you roll around laughing with sadistic glee.

I'm not saying the game isn't littered with jokes here and there and indeed references but i wouldn't say it's at all comedic, it has a dark humour running with it but... it's a story about drug addiction, drug running barons, a man driven to the border of insanity due to his wife and very young child being brutally murdered and further injustices to himself and it's portrayed via a storyline where the man sinks further into his madness, driven by revenge with a slight desire to end it all and it's all smattered with gore, violence, treachoury, anguish, addiction, juxtaposition and horrific flashbacks.

Maybe if you mentioned a game you think has a serious story it'd be easier to guage how your coming to this opinion? Maybe i'm nuts, all i know is i wasn't in hysterics when i was chasing the sound of a crying baby along trails of blood...


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
Sit it side by side with an episode of friends and you'd hardly draw comparison now would you?

Funny can take on numerous forms. Friends does not automatically = funny standard.

You found these nightmare scenes funny? I can see the references but i can't see the humour, those levels were clearly there to be creepy and to be somewhat cool not to make you roll around laughing with sadistic glee.
Roll around in sadistic glee? Not quite. I think you're overestimating the games idea of humor. It's more in the market of a grin, a chuckle, a smirk and a even a guffaw that slides it's way in throughout the action.
It's not supposed to be a side-splitter.

I'm not saying the game isn't littered with jokes here and there and indeed references but i wouldn't say it's at all comedic, it has a dark humour running with it but... it's a story about drug addiction, drug running barons, a man driven to the border of insanity due to his wife and very young child being brutally murdered and further injustices to himself and it's portrayed via a storyline where the man sinks further into his madness, driven by revenge with a slight desire to end it all and it's all smattered with gore, violence, treachoury, anguish, addiction, juxtaposition and horrific flashbacks.
Like I said. Carbon-copy, cookie-cutter crime drama.

Maybe if you mentioned a game you think has a serious story it'd be easier to guage how your coming to this opinion? Maybe i'm nuts, all i know is i wasn't in hysterics when i was chasing the sound of a crying baby along trails of blood...
Yes. You're nuts :p You're putting too much thought into this. I don't recall being "hysterical" at any point during the game. But I enjoyed the way the game made fun of itself (and similar titles/media) by way of all the dramatics interspersed with nonsense.

Since you asked, my example of a serious story would be like Half Life 2. You just play it and take it for what it is.

Payne isn't a gut buster Will Ferrell. It played almost like a Tarantino. Action and violence and dark themes under a thin lining mixed of smart cracks and crude jokes. And some old guy making a speech. In the first game you freakin' bust the door down on the guy getting a blow job behind the bar then spray his ass with lead till he dies with his pants around his ankles. During the comic book cut scene they're making snide remarks before Payne busts in and gives his a one-liner, then opens fire.
C'mon. Seriousness?? lol. please.
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is ironing his panties!
Funny can take on numerous forms. Friends does not automatically = funny standard.
Then use a different comedy...

Roll around in sadistic glee? Not quite. I think you're overestimating the games idea of humor. It's more in the market of a grin, a chuckle, a smirk and a even a guffaw that slides it's way in throughout the action.
It's not supposed to be a side-splitter.

Like I said. Carbon-copy, cookie-cutter crime drama.
I'm not over estimating it's humour, my point is i think you are.

My point with the comparison with a comedy btw was to point out that it was more like a drama, which is what you believe it's a carbon copy of, and to me a drama != a comedy.
(Which isn't to say a drama can't be funny)

Yes. You're nuts :p You're putting too much thought into this. I don't recall being "hysterical" at any point during the game. But I enjoyed the way the game made fun of itself (and similar titles/media) by way of all the dramatics interspersed with nonsense.

Since you asked, my example of a serious story would be like Half Life 2. You just play it and take it for what it is.

Payne isn't a gut buster Will Ferrell. It played almost like a Tarantino. Action and violence and dark themes under a thin lining mixed of smart cracks and crude jokes. And some old guy making a speech. In the first game you freakin' bust the door down on the guy getting a blow job behind the bar then spray his ass with lead till he dies with his pants around his ankles. During the comic book cut scene they're making snide remarks before Payne busts in and gives his a one-liner, then opens fire.
C'mon. Seriousness?? lol. please.

Meh, from what you say your almost 100% agreeing with me that it's a serious story+dark humour, except your not. Maybe your definition of serierous is not the same as mine... either way this discussion seems a bit pointless as it's simply a difference of opinion which is not likely to change.
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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
You're saying it's serious.

I'm saying it's not. That's all.
Its humor is subtle. I was never overestimating it, only pointing it out since you think otherwise.

As you say; agree to disagree.


Sweet Dreams
Jul 17, 2005
Where least expected
New trailer!

A month ago I read the 4th version of the script-from what I can tell they kept a lot from it. Basically everything that happens happens (who dies, who betrays who), but just in a different way, a different place.

I just hope they changed the ending, because in the 4th draft of the script, it doesn't end with Max payne blowing up Nicole Horn in a chopper-It ends with them killing BB. I really hope that changes and stays true to the original.