Maybe not, but I also guarantee you that many of the people who own games on GOG also own them on Steam, and GOG doesn't do anything to solve mod discoverability, which UTX needs to solve if it is going to and its users are strictly DRM-free, and they're not that minor. Epic would be doing a mistake to lose that part of the market. I could see them doing two versions, Steam and DRM-free, though. UE4 probably makes it fairly easy to do that.
I really don't think they will do this. The file space hosting requirements would be astronomical. Right now, they decide what goes on the engine launcher. I would be surprised if it is set up to handle the absolute volume of content that UT games have, especially if the maps are anywhere near as large as UT3 maps. Valve already operates with that expectation and have a system designed for it.More likely I think they will have some kind of in-game (or pre-game launcher) marketplace just like the engine itself does. In fact, probably just part of the existing marketplace in it's own UT section as such.
That being said, I would be satisfied if they had their own system. It just seems silly to reinvent the wheel here. And their launcher has none of the other nice features that Steam has.
That is true, except if they hadn't filled it, we would have Digital River, and SecuROM and TAGES filling the market. I'm not a true fan of DRM, but Steam adds significantly more than (what someone else called) "a bit of convenience". There is simply not a more convenient platform with as many additional customer-focused features for getting and playing games available today anywhere else.The discussion about Steam has made me put my own opinion in about the platform. I like Valve and Steam as a whole, but I don't have this Godly and omnipotent view of them, as most people do. They filled a market which would have been filled anyway if developers got off their backsides and implemented online distrubtion. Some experimented with it and thought it better to not tamper with a simple formula.