I'm probably the last one to talk, since my only published map is itself a remake, and I was silly enough to ask that they take a look at it when they have a spare moment.
But at least (here comes the moral high ground) I actually did a remake. I kept the general layout but migrated the gameplay space from UT to UT2004, did all-new weapon placement, kept some of the (lame) posters and added my own (lame) posters... it hearkens to the original, which is not the same thing as TAKING A RETAIL MAP, CHANGING ONE WEAPON, ADDING YOUR CLAN LOGO AND SUBMITTING IT AS A WHOLE NEW MAP.
I honestly think any map that is just a remake with green water instead of blue, or with a hidden redeemer room, should not be reviewed under any circumstances. I would even recommend turning off comments. I WOULD suggest removing it from the database altogether but if some clan of 12yos want to spread their pr0 l33t map around to each other I guess it wouldn't be fair.
Of course, the first time someone decides that no one should submit remakes, I find myself on the wrong side of a rant like that, so again, I don't know if I'm the one to speak out on this.
I'm not really concerned about crap maps one way or the other, but imo the world doesn't need 347 Deck 16s that are virtually indistinguishable one from the other. In fact, in a monkeys-with-typewriters scenario, it's possible that two different people may have made the same dumb changes to the same recycled map and they're both on NC3. Trippy...
But at least (here comes the moral high ground) I actually did a remake. I kept the general layout but migrated the gameplay space from UT to UT2004, did all-new weapon placement, kept some of the (lame) posters and added my own (lame) posters... it hearkens to the original, which is not the same thing as TAKING A RETAIL MAP, CHANGING ONE WEAPON, ADDING YOUR CLAN LOGO AND SUBMITTING IT AS A WHOLE NEW MAP.
I honestly think any map that is just a remake with green water instead of blue, or with a hidden redeemer room, should not be reviewed under any circumstances. I would even recommend turning off comments. I WOULD suggest removing it from the database altogether but if some clan of 12yos want to spread their pr0 l33t map around to each other I guess it wouldn't be fair.
Of course, the first time someone decides that no one should submit remakes, I find myself on the wrong side of a rant like that, so again, I don't know if I'm the one to speak out on this.
I'm not really concerned about crap maps one way or the other, but imo the world doesn't need 347 Deck 16s that are virtually indistinguishable one from the other. In fact, in a monkeys-with-typewriters scenario, it's possible that two different people may have made the same dumb changes to the same recycled map and they're both on NC3. Trippy...