Maps that should not be reviewed

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BuF Greeter, News Bagger
Apr 19, 2002
Columbus, OH
Visit site
I'm probably the last one to talk, since my only published map is itself a remake, and I was silly enough to ask that they take a look at it when they have a spare moment.

But at least (here comes the moral high ground) I actually did a remake. I kept the general layout but migrated the gameplay space from UT to UT2004, did all-new weapon placement, kept some of the (lame) posters and added my own (lame) posters... it hearkens to the original, which is not the same thing as TAKING A RETAIL MAP, CHANGING ONE WEAPON, ADDING YOUR CLAN LOGO AND SUBMITTING IT AS A WHOLE NEW MAP.

I honestly think any map that is just a remake with green water instead of blue, or with a hidden redeemer room, should not be reviewed under any circumstances. I would even recommend turning off comments. I WOULD suggest removing it from the database altogether but if some clan of 12yos want to spread their pr0 l33t map around to each other I guess it wouldn't be fair.

Of course, the first time someone decides that no one should submit remakes, I find myself on the wrong side of a rant like that, so again, I don't know if I'm the one to speak out on this.

I'm not really concerned about crap maps one way or the other, but imo the world doesn't need 347 Deck 16s that are virtually indistinguishable one from the other. In fact, in a monkeys-with-typewriters scenario, it's possible that two different people may have made the same dumb changes to the same recycled map and they're both on NC3. Trippy...


BuF Greeter, News Bagger
Apr 19, 2002
Columbus, OH
Visit site
I was speaking to the original topic of the thread, not to your maps specifically.

:edit: btw I only see 2 maps here attributed to you, and one of them was just sent in like a month ago. I have a feeling their backlog goes farther back than that.
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Colder than Steel
if you actually select a reviewer, it will probably work better, if it gets put in a reviewers queue, he is more likely to do it, rather than if its just floating around in the general queue, i havn't been reviewing much recently, my fault, i know, and i'm sorry for this, i will do some soon, arcadia is probably the best person to request it from, hes active, writes good reviews, knows what hes talking about, and is overally cool :)



Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values

:[lol]:Squid75 said:
I know I map for snipers, but I don't think that just because they are for snipers, they are shuned for that reason. There are many sniper servers and pleanty of gamers that play this style. In my opinion, snipers actually spend more time looking at geometry, specially at long distance, and truelly can apretiate bigger maps, when done correctly.:[lol]:Squid75
Hi, welcome etc. I'm not a reviewer, I'm just a visitor to this site like every other user; but I like sniper maps. If you feel like posting some links to the submissions I'd have a look at them...... (unless I already have).


... i like swords...
Jul 14, 2004
if i was admin on the site i wouldnt ban you,... simply ignore and hoping someday you grow up...

And i must agree with ArcadiaVincennes, rippin' off other ppls maps without changing completly the theme or add a few custom content sucks big time...


Level Designer
May 20, 2004
Good on ya Worf - and I think that in addition to your point about the 347 Deck maps doubly goes for requesting reviews of all of them. :lol:

And Icedancer - thanks for the kind words. It's always nice to come across an un-looked-for compliment.


New Member
Oct 12, 2005
Do not review these maps list.

What if NC were to loose the comments altogether, or maybe do something like UP and start a thread on each map to comment on.
Have the option for the mapper to block reviews. Have a do not review these maps list only the mapper or NC admen/reviewer can put a map on this list. If a reviewer does not want to review it then go to the map thread and tell them why you are not going to. Then put it on the do not review this map list with a brief comment on the list why. The only why to get a map off this list is to fix some of the problems, and plead with MassChaos or a reviewer.
Keep banning the people that abuse there privileges. They will run out of e-mails eventually or get tired of trying. Or maybe do nothing. Besides we all know who they are, like Happydeadguy, mutantX, arrowz, or whatever the f**k his name is. Most people don't listen to them. I myself read all the comments and average them to give me the big picture. Cool map will not do it for me! I don't DL any maps without a SS unless it was imported from NC2, then I rely on the comments or reviews to help me decide to DL or not. Maybe put maps without a SS or a stupid SS that does not show the map on the do not review this map page, or delete it altogether until it meets NC standards.
That said I would like to ask, and I'm not talking about the joke maps but why people are so hard on the mappers that are not master mappers? They act as if this is a ownage site. Maybe the problem is that NC is in a gray area, not ownage and not crap maps, but somewhere in the middle. These are just some thoughts, ideas and may be way off base. What do you think?
I think there should be a definition of what your looking for. If you all want ownage maps then say so. If not then all review requests should be considered serious as most new mappers are ambitious and think they are doing well, they are in awe that they can make a map.They need help/guidance. Even a little aggravating punk may end up a master mapper one day, this is good for us all. No?
What if everyone told Hourences his first maps are s**t and should not ever map? We wouldn't have his masterpieces now if he listened. (even here people will disagree that Hourences maps are masterpieces) It's the diversity that keeps a site fresh, because we all do not think alike.


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
The other websites should be like nalicity when it comes to comments, forums are boring ,nobody sees it, and I hate email notification.
If a noob mapper uploads a crappy map, sure there will be ridicule, and hopefully better or helpfull or guided coments.
Lets say a flabby guy enters a muscle contest,question
1 should he be ready for ridicule?
2 should he get praise or guidance?
3 should he have the responsibility to know he is putting himself out in front of the public for the world to see and think he's gonna come in anything but the bottom looser.?

Comment section is fine,screenshots should be of the maps play area,reviews should stick to maps wich are good to better, not waste time on reviewing a cube.