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New Member
Sep 14, 2005
CTF-Omicron BONG
What's up Klasnic_E, or is it Silverwolf, or AcidSphinx....

A note to all: This guy is the most venomus, and destructive element to ever come to the mod arena. Stay AWAY from this guy, and I KNOW that many will back me up on this point.

Crawl back under your rock Vincent, before we get your IP traced, and I personally end up at your crib.

AcidSphinx said:
My IP Address is
I live on the east coast of Australia, and have been near the vicinity of Byron Bay for nearly 25 years now.
I accept your criticism of my behaviour as valid, and sincerly feel quite distressed that I ****ed up like that.
I have had a long term mental illness and have suffered a lot from schizophrenia, at the time that post was made I had actually been without medication for nearly 5 days.
While it is not standard behaviour for me, I do get fairly quirky without the pills.
This does not mean that I am a slack arse, or do not put in as much effort as I can, I try damn hard to fit in with a lot of stuff that happens in the modding scene.
Due to my condition I can't hold down a normal job, so the modding scene is about the only place I can actually be productive in computing.
Not really expecting much sympathy, really just laying it on the table as a fact.
If you require more information about my identity, I'd be willing to post a photo somewhere, but due to previous harasment I have sufffered in the past will probably not do much more than this.

That PROOVEs that it is indeed you Klasnic E. Why would your IP be an issue unless it was previously? Even your lies suck dude. I know FULLY that you are using a proxy either with your knowlede, or by acciedent via your ISP. I can just as easily appear to be from Khazakstan, but I'm in Atlanta, JUST LIKE YOU!!!!

You've made enough of a stink for yourself, that you'll NEVER be able to return w/o those you F'D coming down on you. Get lost for good, cause you're the one who is going to go away, not "us".

Get ready for the armies of UC2004 to weigh in as well. They are still around Klasnic, and I bet you did'nt count on that. You still trying to steal my maps too? Then take credit solely for yourself? CTF_Jehuty sound familiar? We have'nt forgotten, and never will. Your mod "life" is over in the UT community. Move to HL or something, but knowing the way you are, you probably f'd that up to, and f'd over many people along with you.
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New Member
Jan 21, 2008
i dont know the history of this guy or how bad/serious his case is but

if he has done all these (supposedly bad) nooby things (i scanned the thread, didnt read it). perhaps hes mentally ill or somthing is just wrong with him. i guess its good to warn people of his presence and actions but i hope we dont forget hes still human (living creature) who can feel great pain and sorrow 'or worst' through our actions so i hope we dont get too personal. if he is really this bad, isnt it already enough that he has lost respect and trust from the mass? maybe this is the extent of his capabilities (as of now), maybe hes just trying to accomplish somtihng he wants but dont know how to go about, still, i hope we dont push too much negative things onto a living beings life just because he has made bad choices in life. as long as he didnt try to harm/defame anyone.

this seems like a sad story of the hunchback of notre dam, but i forget how that story goes :/. i just remember it was sad because the mass hated this Nosferatu creature just because he had a great flaw.
i know it sounds bad with me even comparing this, but i hope we dont TARGET someone just because he has a wide open flaw and has been accepted as a fine target


New Member
Sep 14, 2005
CTF-Omicron BONG
I'm pretty sure they were aware already. They'll keep a list of offenders to watch out for, which probably explains his anti-Epic sentiments already. They'll have already wopped him.

There are many ways around that, and due to what he has said, it's not much of a stretch at all that he may have returned to Epic forums as well.
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Keep posting....then we can shake hands like friends;)

Hey E:

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