[PDX]StevenGarcia said:
So I checked out the project reality mod website and it's sounds like it could be fun. I just wanted to see if I could get some feedback from anyone who has played it. I don't want to buy BF2 to try this mod as I did not care for the core game. Los INF son el único juego para mí.
Project Reality just released v.02 of PRMM which is the mini mod version. Just a little something to see what the mod team can do and learning the engine.
I have serious doubts that Project Reality will ever reach the level of realism found in Inf. But, even so it is enjoyable in its own right.
One of the problems with the mod is that it needs teamwork but teamwork on a public server....? In an attempt to stem the flood of bunnyjumping and pronediving and "noob tubeing" <- That's blunt abuse of the m203.
Is it worth buying the full game just for PR?
IMHO, no, it is not worth it. I bought BF2 because I liked Desert Combat and because Trauma Studios got bought by DICE I expected a more DC like game.
What I got was a bug riddled piece of whatever.
BF2 can be a bitch to get up and running and after you got it running your next obstacle is patching it... You might get lucky and the patch works flawlessly or, it might not work at all... Period.
Ok, that was not what you wanted so back to PR.
What is good about PR?
... the realism... Not as real as I would like but way better than vanilla BF2.
The minimod that was just released is just the second step on the ladder to more realism and as such still has tons of realism errors in it. One of those errors is that there is no armingdistance for m203 grenades, Aim it at the ground infront of your feet and fire and you'll be wearing wings, a halo and a harp until you respawn 15 seconds later.
Due to a lack of teamwork on public servers the developers have come up with a concept of having specific servers where teamwork is a necessity. Why? Simple. Follow orders or get kicked from the server.
Well, I have yet to see anyone get kicked though, but the rules on a PRMM-T (T for teamwork) server is that all players MUST be in a squad, all players MUST obey squad orders and follow the objectives set by the commander.
There is no running about getting kills on your own for your own fun or just for the hell of it.
Another concept is the Advance And Secure or AAS system. Not developed by PR but they incorporated it with PRMM.02.
Simply put it means you have to cap the flags in a certain order.
To make up your own mind I suggest you visit
Just don't expect it to be Infiltration with better graphics because it's not.
It's what BF2 should've been from the start. Somewhat realistic but still arcady enough to be.... ahem... fun...? (that, ofcourse depends on what, in your opinion, is fun... )