Originally posted by Deathwing
The problem with legalizing any drug is that, eventually, people will think about it as the norm, realize this other drug isn't much different, and try to legalize that. And it'll happen again, and again, and again, until finally people are debating whether to legalize cocaine, heroin, ecstacy, and the like.
The reason Marijuana will become legal within our lifetime has nothing to do with health risks, addictive qualities of the drug or any of that BS. It's strictly to do with cultural acceptance.
Most people these days don't really think of Marijuana in the same league as cocaine, heroine, crack and any other hard drugs. I know plenty of people who have no problem with Marijuana, but would never fry their brains and bodies on harder drugs.
Especially in the US, the history of drug legalization has had far more to do with societal and political pressure than health issues. Prohibition was an attempt at cultural assimilation: get the German to drink less beer and get the Italian Americans to stop drinking wine and make the whole lot more puritan. Prohibition happened at a time when many immigrants were taking their place in American culture, and banning alcohol was a backlash against that disguised as a public health move.
Prohibition failed because alcohol was too strong a cultural force to make illegal, especially in "The land of the free." Ask any member of MADD and they'll give you a good earfull about the dangers of alcohol, it's arguably the most dangerous drug out there.
As far as I'm concerned, this is a pointless debate. Marijuana will be legal because culturally it has already become accepted. I mean, *everybody* smokes it. I'm one of the rare people I do know who's never tried it. As for all the people I do know that smoke it, only a small fraction are what I would call addicted or even have a serious problem as a result of their use. The rest of the potheads I know run businesses, raise families and contribute to the GNP like anybody else.