ScopeTrigger wrote (via PM):
I shall go for plan C but a little bit different
1 : I think you should just call a date and maybe 1 alt date ( I know that its allot off work and if you want I can help you with that because I dont have to work the next 2 or 3 weeks) else I think the little tournament can take a long time to play all the matches and people pick their own date and if one player isnt available then the match is off and if that happens to much then it takes to many time @ the mothership and it takes youre time because you have to set the server.
2 :the pw : if you have just one date to play the match and you are at home than you wont have to give away youre pw ( I think you dont like to give away youre pw to everybody ) because you know a date you know if you are at home if you arent ( or you havent got any time . at that moment you can always give away you pw ( but that up to you to dicide)
I shall go for plan C but a little bit different
1 : I think you should just call a date and maybe 1 alt date ( I know that its allot off work and if you want I can help you with that because I dont have to work the next 2 or 3 weeks) else I think the little tournament can take a long time to play all the matches and people pick their own date and if one player isnt available then the match is off and if that happens to much then it takes to many time @ the mothership and it takes youre time because you have to set the server.
2 :the pw : if you have just one date to play the match and you are at home than you wont have to give away youre pw ( I think you dont like to give away youre pw to everybody ) because you know a date you know if you are at home if you arent ( or you havent got any time . at that moment you can always give away you pw ( but that up to you to dicide)