- You shouldn't be able to get into the enemy jail.
In the original planning of jails, we figured that if you're st00pid enough to walk into jail, ANY jail, then tough you count as jailed no matter what. If it's the enemy jail & you can never get out, kill yourself
- Translocator shouldn't be removed once you're in jail (yeah, JB with trans sucks, but it's a bug anyway, isn't it?). TranslocatorBeacon should bounce/disappear if you try to shoot it out of the jail...
Not sure if it's a bug or not. Some mappers said they didn't want the trans messing up their escape routes.
- In shared jails, both teams can't be released simultaneously.
Are you describing a bug or requesting a feature?
- Teleport Releaser addon could have an extra option for an optional teleport: if you don't hit Q after releasing you won't go back to base.
Explain more please?
- Vehicle maps should have a RadarMap, showing the position of your allies (and maybe an option to show your enemies too... ).
Yup, already suggested. Was there maybe even an Addon halfway coded for this?
In the original planning of jails, we figured that if you're st00pid enough to walk into jail, ANY jail, then tough you count as jailed no matter what. If it's the enemy jail & you can never get out, kill yourself
- Translocator shouldn't be removed once you're in jail (yeah, JB with trans sucks, but it's a bug anyway, isn't it?). TranslocatorBeacon should bounce/disappear if you try to shoot it out of the jail...
Not sure if it's a bug or not. Some mappers said they didn't want the trans messing up their escape routes.
- In shared jails, both teams can't be released simultaneously.
Are you describing a bug or requesting a feature?
- Teleport Releaser addon could have an extra option for an optional teleport: if you don't hit Q after releasing you won't go back to base.
Explain more please?
- Vehicle maps should have a RadarMap, showing the position of your allies (and maybe an option to show your enemies too... ).
Yup, already suggested. Was there maybe even an Addon halfway coded for this?