Jailbreak 2004 MotherShip Server

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- retired -
Feb 5, 2002
I have added the gametype "Jailbreak" with the basic settings to the UT2Vote.ini (see above) but unfortunately the "?MaxSpectators=2" part of it caused the problem so I had to removed that part. Problem solved. Satisfied? ;)


Sep 6, 2004
sexmachine can you plz install that overtimelastchance addon on the server ? in order to prevent such games like on crusher yesterday (where it was already 11 mins overtime & no end in sight) thanks.


Unreal Tournament Junkie
Feb 16, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
4WD said:
sexmachine can you plz install that overtimelastchance addon on the server ? in order to prevent such games like on crusher yesterday (where it was already 11 mins overtime & no end in sight) thanks.

:mad: I strongly disagree. Overtime means time to step up your game. It's golden goal too so it's not like we're playing a whole nother 15 minutes. If a game goes into double OT, oh well, that's just how thing are. If you're gonna brag with an old 1 hour bot match in the POTW archives, don't complain about a 11 minute over time cause then you simply have no room to talk. I think we should stop worrying about a match going into OT. Only wusses and weaklings complain about overtime, and last Sunday's "solution" to the so-called "problem" was highly unprofessional (no offense Sexmachine). If they vote for a stage, and the match goes into OT, with a chance of going into Double OT, that's on them. They should have known the concequence of choosing a certain map, and if they don't, then that's on them. I am still upset over what happened because I have been waiting to play in a good Double OT for 5 months now. Look, the Last Overtime thing is a nice Add-On, but I don't think it's something to play with online. When OT hits, it means time to keep the pressure on your opponents and repel any incoming attacks. Does hockey play with a last chance thing, u bet they do, it's called GOLDEN GOAL. The server should be left as it is imho, and the only time an admin should use his/her abilities is when there is a higly disruptive or cheating player. I don't mean to tell you how to admin Sexmahine, and in the end, yeah I have to deal with any decisions you make, and I'm totally fine with that. However, games rarely do last long in OT on the server, and I think a good long OT match once in a while is fine. This is the first +7 minute overtime match I have ever seen on that server in the history I have been playing on it (5 months), and the thing was going on 11 minutes plus. Oh well, you voted for it, you deal with it. That's the way I look like it, and those who do nothing but constantly nag others with complaints are n00bs. There is a mid game voting system for a reason too. If they can't decide on a map to play on, oh well, that's on them. You either have to unanomusly or majoritarily vote to change, or you are stuck on the server the majority voted for. There are options for use to avoid long matches if people don't wanna play, and when they don't wanna use them properly, well that's their problem. I apologize if I have offended anyone by stating my opinion, but I was highly offended by the actions that were taken last Sunday. By the way, it was fun killing all ya'll for my Wicked Sick Spree. :p


May 18, 2003
Dorset, England
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Why not put the Addon on the server to see how it goes?

Spudsy said:
If you're gonna brag with an old 1 hour bot match in the POTW archives, don't complain about a 11 minute over time cause then you simply have no room to talk.
That was actually the result of the bot in JB-Rainmaker getting so stuck that the other team of bots couldn't find him. That overtime was not because of a close or "too-many-players" game, so you can't fairly use that as an argument.

And before you use the "well you weren't even there, so what do you know" come-back on me...
  • Firstly, I wasn't present because I now do the Sunday evening shift at the pub (which I actually asked not to do before in the hope of playing in the Lockdown, but after 2 weeks of no action I gave up waiting. Ironically the server was busy as soon as I started doing the shift the next week :rolleyes: ).
  • Secondly, I do know exactly what a "too-many-players" game in Crusher is like as I have experienced it.

And since I've been absent from Jailbreak due to work, I thought I'd have a look at the JB-Coralation Stats to see how it was going. The map has been around for almost a month now, and at the time of writing it has been played 6 times, never with more than 8 players.

Now that part doesnt bother me too much, because obviously you need enough players to really have fun in the map. However, I noticed the Pic Of The Week on the PJB homepage showed a server with 20 players present, so I popped along to the JB2004 Mothership Stats to see what other maps were played; Coralation wasn't. Looking up the list I see that last Sunday Gravity had 18 people in it -- an ideal number of players for a large vJB map like Coralation if it were to be voted for next -- yet the map voted for next was Crusher2, seeing a staggering 24 players throughout its game.

The irony here is that you have loads of players, which is great, but you then vote for a small map instead of a map designed for that number of players, and then complain at the (long overdue) end because of a combination of a small map and a large number of players. :rolleyes:

I needn't say more to explain my despair. :(


Unreal Tournament Junkie
Feb 16, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
ZedMaestro said:
The irony here is that you have loads of players, which is great, but you then vote for a small map instead of a map designed for that number of players, and then complain at the (long overdue) end because of a combination of a small map and a large number of players. :rolleyes:

That's what I was saying, but I love Crusher, so I'm gonna vote for it either way. My thing is that we could have capped. We got it down to 1 guy (damn iocor exploiting map bug) who released the team. That match could have been won, but what you say just helps further implement my belief that if you don't vote to change the map while the fights in-progress, or vote for it under those circumstances, uh guess who's problem it becomes. It is HIGHLY arrogant to have everyone vote for the map only to complain about it. I vote for it cause it's my favorite stage, 1 vote for a map won't make it win, so when everyone else voted for it, they should have known the circumstances. They chose to ignore them and complain. Uh talk about ignorance 101. I'm still upset, and I don't think it should be added. Something like this isn't likey to happen again anytime soon, if ever, so I say, it is not of a need right now. If it happens more often (matches that cannot possibly end and I mean when they are in Double OT, with like no team coming close to a cap, and the possibility of it going into Triple OT) then yeah, add the last chance, but I think last Sunday's "events" was a one time thing.


Sep 6, 2004
Spudsy said:
They should have known the concequence of choosing a certain map, and if they don't, then that's on them.
just to inform u: there was a lot of new players there. not everybody does know every map, you spamming 'crusher crusher' during mapvote only suggests them to choose that map without knowing how spammy it'll be.
Spudsy said:
constantly nag others with complaints are n00bs.
like yourself flaming @ every1 ? :eek: everyone was happy with the forced mapswitch, only you wasnt :lol: (well since you like that map it's quite unerstandable)
Spudsy said:
By the way, it was fun killing all ya'll for my Wicked Sick Spree. :p
look screenie :p


  • Shot04316.jpg
    129.4 KB · Views: 43


- retired -
Feb 5, 2002
Easy guys, don't flame each other, please. Just to clear some things up, I really don't do a forced mapswitch easily (as an admin) and I do like overtime matches. But I had to make a decision between those who'd loved to finish the match in Crusher and those who tried to change the map (but mid-game voting isn't easy with a lot of new players not knowing how to access the vote menu). Usually people get bored after a while and start leaving the server and that's why I've decided to switch the map. Like it or not, the "OvertimeLastChance" mutator is now running on the Mothership but that may or may not change someday. :)


Unreal Tournament Junkie
Feb 16, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
Hmmmm, re-thinking about what you've just said, I now see that the decision u made wasn't a bad call. Still @%$#&@^%!$%&@^%$ man that add-on is being played now? Oh, well hopefully it isn't too bad.


Dragon Lady
Apr 22, 2003
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We were having fun in Bassma this afternoon, when we went into overtime! Well, sniff.... sniff.... sniff... sniff....:shake: 3 of our team caught and 2 of their team, for the peeps in jail it is no fun waiting till the last person is caught. I must say that I do not like the add on.:( Just fighting till the end is way more fun,:D I find that it takes the fun out of the game. I can remember when we played UT99 Crusher on a lockdown.... hahahaha, now that was overtime and good FUN!!!\\o/

I still play JB because I enjoy it, please don't take the fun out of the game. Overtime is part of the game! I know that the add on must run for a while, but I hope it will disappear in time.:D


New Member
Feb 22, 2003
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I didn't get involved myself in the discussion of this OvertimeAddon, because I was not fond of the idea to start with.

I feel overtime is just part of Jailbreak.
The best and most exiting matches I ever played went into overtime. On the other hand the worst matches I ever played also went into overtime (30 mins of JB-CapreDiem / JB-Cybrosis anyone?).

When teams are balanced, the playercount does not match, and the bases are difficult to defend, you've got a chance of an endless overtime game. However, I think this doesn't justify the fact of taking away the exitement of a good overtime match.

I wouldn't use this OvertimeAddon myself, unless perhaps it is possible to give in a time after which the OvertimeAddon should start (e.g. 15 mins of normal game, 5/10 mins of normal overtime, after that start the OvertimeAddon).
Therefore I hope this Addon on the Mothership is no more than an experiment.

@Zed: MapVoting is just based on map preference. Some maps are played a lot, others will be played less. That's the way it was, that's the way it will always be. Don't feel hard about it.