INS: INF competition?

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Jul 17, 2004
Almost said:
There is no way we'll see anything as polished as 2.9 for a first or second release of Infiltration on Source. It took over four years to get Infiltration into the shape of 2.9.

Of course it might not be as polished and stuff, but also consider that all the way up to 2.9 was a continual collecting of something very useful:Experience. so it might not be polished up indeed, but chances are that it will Very interestingly good no? ;) At least, im pretty sure it will be good egnough to give us addicts what our dose of INF :lol:


I don't give a f**k, call the Chaplain
Mar 23, 2003
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Almost said:
I think Yurch's post might have slipped through.
No it didn't. His posts are like reading Sun Tzu or Nietzsche, you can't take them necessarily at face value. You have to let them sink in a little. You usually get what he's saying about four hours after reading it. :D


FOOL of Duty
Mar 13, 2001
yurch said:
The unfortunate problem that people don't seem to realize is that mods don't emerge fully formed. Inf for Unreal/UT used to be just a crude weapons mod without even having it's own playermodel. Don't think for a moment that these steps can somehow be skipped the second time around.
I don't consider this an "unfortunate problem" :)
Far from it! I would really LOVE to play an INF2.75 like INF:Source Beta (Alpha, whatever) :D


White as Snow Moderator
Jun 19, 2001
PR's Barracks
Absolutely. I would have zero problems if it starts out as 'merely' a weapon mod, with a couple weapons, a movement system, and a few realistic maps. You got to show people that there's something cool coming if you want to keep people's interest!
Apr 21, 2003
@Keganator & geogob:
Nah, I want a nearly fully developed movement, stamina, inertia, weapon function thing. Weapons can be just few, me would be happy enough with one pistol, 2 rifles, one smg and one sniper, 2 grenade types. And 2 maps (could be tdm).

Don't misunderstand me, but other games/mods are allready just weapon mods, because they have a simple movement and realism system.
I think it would be a mistake to release a simple movement system for INF:Source.
INF:Source should attrackt with what makes INF to INF and not with 'look, another same tactic shooter'.

For INF:Source 1st release they could be just very few models, weapons, maps, game mods, enough to have something. The movement, navigation and weapon handling systems have to be over 60% developed, to have a fixed gameplay, which is the basic of a game.

Let other games be 'weapon mods', but make the 1st INF release something that sets itself appart form all those nice looking weapon mods.
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arreté pour detention de tomate prohibée
Mar 17, 2003
Paris suburbs
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hey geo , i dont count the bullets i fire !!!
anyway, most of them at INS forums look like retards. that mod will be tested by don when released, hope its good.
inf is the best game because no other gives you that feeling when you press the trigger :D
Apr 21, 2003
Vega-don said:
that mod will be tested by don when released, hope its good.
You mean don will give INS a grilling? :D (hope 'giving something a grilling' is the right term for what I mean?)

anyway, most of them at INS forums look like retards.
I wouldn't be so harsh, but agree on that in case of their discussions about realism in a game. Sometimes they talk about realism ideas, that are allready particulary reality in INF, like those are never have beeing done before.
Also what I found strange, that the leader played INF only few times and like freeaim (which they consider to implement too), but freeaim is just 10% of what INF got.
That is not a problem, if they don't want playing INF it's ok, but speaking about features beeing unique, that INF allready have, is somewhat... unprofessional (?).

inf is the best game because no other gives you that feeling when you press the trigger
You ****in say it!!

My story about INF is pretty funny/strange. I hat 2.86 on a CD for a year (!!!) lying around somewhere, not knowing about INF.
Than, one day, it was bored and I checked the CD's for something interessting.
I have read that they is a mod called Infiltration, version 2.86 with ironsight.
I was interested and disturbed about not noticed it earlier.
I have installed it, loaded the shopoting range, took the M16A2 (what a surprize :D), shooted it and.... was kinda.... WOAHHHHW!!!!
INF ya got meh!
Since then, me and INF have a close relationship and we love eachother.

And that weapon thingy was even just 20% of the whole.

SS you are incredible. (always wanted to say that).

But INS will definitely be a good mod too :D.
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Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Psychomorph said:
@Keganator & geogob:
Nah, I want a nearly fully developed movement, stamina, inertia, weapon function thing. Weapons can be just few, me would be happy enough with one pistol, 2 rifles, one smg and one sniper, 2 grenade types. And 2 maps (could be tdm).
You want full playermovement, at least 6 weapons, and you would be happy with TDM AS THE ONLY GAMETYPE?!

Yeah, you're outta yer damn mind. :p

Let other games be 'weapon mods', but make the 1st INF release something that sets itself appart form all those nice looking weapon mods.
How long (and this is a serious question) is it okay to wait for 'other features' if Sentry at some point has something that could be made playable?
Apr 21, 2003
yurch said:
You want full playermovement, at least 6 weapons, and you would be happy with TDM AS THE ONLY GAMETYPE?!

Yeah, you're outta yer damn mind. :p
Yes. At least 6 weapons and tdm... ok, tdm is not very good, better mission, indeed.
What I mean is, I would rather see a less developed armory and few maps, even a less developed game style, than a less developed movement system, weapon handling system, stamina and what ever belongs to this cathegory.
That means less modelling and skinning, but more coding and animating.

Cuz the first release, to me, have to be well playable, so I can play and enjoy, cuz I know a next release with more weapons, maps and mission will follow.

Having just a weapon mod with many weapons, maps and missions, but a less developed movement and weapon handling, means I just have something to check out, but not really to play.

You know? I rather like to have something playable, than something to check out and just keep waiting. but thats just my opinion.

And yes, I'm insane :p.

How long (and this is a serious question) is it okay to wait for 'other features' if Sentry at some point has something that could be made playable?
You know, time is relative in that case, but the movement system and related have to be (imo) over 50% developed, cuz less is not playable to me.
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New Member
Jul 1, 2000
Kuala Lumpur
IMO the best compromise I see between waiting half-a-decade for a polished INF and releasing a bug-infested prototype next month is focusing on only a few core elements (as Psychomorph has elaborated many times :D) and making sure they're rock solid.

Followers waiting for many years may eventually lose interest and carry on with life before it's finally released unless progress updates and sneak previews are consistent. And SS *may* call it quits after INF: Source is finally "finalised". On the other hand, releasing a premature INF will lead to bad reviews from mod review sites, new players, and our community thinking SS has run out of gas. I'm sure some will say "It sucks!" without thinking about its potential, and then starts to compare with CS. SS runs on motivation, not money, and these unconstructive criticism isn't helping.

I think (I need a second opinion on this) it's sure better to release something the next few months of a few core features (without weapons, HUD, vehicles, etc. first.. maybe with a simple map to "lounge" in) that are about 80% solid so we'd get an incomplete but high-quality port to Source. It's okay to have less features that are highly praised upon, right?

From what I see here (forums), most are mature enough to appreciate what SS pumps out.. even if it's buggy. The beauty of our community is they love to "grow" with the project, feeling an accomplishment in fixed bugs, improvements and new features even if they're not on development. Coming out with a single polished-and-finalised product will be a big hit, but most likely will only be shortlived.


Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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Koohii o nomimasu ka?
If they want to focus on key elements, it should be, in order, gametype/concept-maps, movement. Then maps and weapons.

The experience of releasing weapon, then movements and maps, then gametype was a major flop with Infiltration for UT. It create a divided community... One playing a crappy gametype and one playing crappy maps on a good gametype (mostly because all maps where made either before the gametype was released or without its philosophy in mind... CeeDee anyone?)

EDIT: facinating... I know all the difference between it's its where were we're etc. Why the hell do I mix them up all the time :rolleyes: Of course I'm not the only one to do that... :eek:
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New Member
Oct 19, 2001

March 30th, 2005 - Halifax, NS

Electronic Arts would like to formally announce the creation of Spearin Studios (SS). SS has been formed from the talent working on the former Insurgency Modification for Half-Life 2 and will be based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada under the direction of Andrew Spearin and under the supervision and advisory by EA's Brent Goodwin. The initial project that SS will be working on is to be announced shortly, however at this time it can be released that Valve Software's Source Engine has been licensed to Spearin Studios for the project.

Spearin Studios currently stands with 18 full-time developers and is looking to expand this number to 25 employees working at the Halifax-based office. SS will specialise in the development of realistic, military based, first person shooters. The first title has already commenced development and more details will be released soon.

Contact Information:

Spearin Studios
91 Argyle St. #402
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B3K 1F4

Phone: (902) 490-1399
Fax: (902) 424-6159

E-Mail: [email protected]

Apr 21, 2003
Hardcore. That means mainstream, that means no realistic game.

So INS is developed by SS? (Wow, change the S to F and it changes the world).

Or do just some guys from INS part of SS?