INS: INF competition?

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New Member
Aug 20, 2003
Good old Axis (Germany)
Thats just what i found in the I-Net! :(
Its basicly like INF:
  • INS will simulate the challenges of infantry combat on the modern battlefield at the individual and tactical levels
  • Vehicles -- Take control of a Humvee, Land Rover, or Technical. Light vehicles will have the ability to be player controlled to enhance mobility and provide additional fire support. Other heavier and more important vehicles and aircraft will be controlled by AI in order to support the grunts in the field.
  • Realistic Weapon Behaviours -- Use your weapon's sights to accurately aim. Rounds will land where you aim and players will behave realistically to any kind of wound. Weapons and bullets will act like they should, however, they will not hinder the gameplay with any negative affect to the player (i.e. there will not be weapon jamming).
  • Q: Will there be a crosshair?
    A: There will not be a crosshair in order to assist aiming. The method for accurate fire will be the ability to look down your weapon's sights (whether they be the iron sights or an optical sight/scope). You will still have the ability to fire without looking down your weapon's sights, but aiming will be difficult since there is a 'free aim area' incorporated.
  • Q: What firing positions will I be able to adopt?
    A: Players will have the ability to stand, kneel, or go prone. Each stance will have an effect on how well they control their weapon and therefore increasing/decreasing accuracy of the weapon. There will also be the ability to lean in order to peak around corners or other obstacles.
  • Q: Is INS roundbased (such as America's Army or CS) or is it Reinforcement based (such as DoD or RO)?
    A: INS has a unique reinforcement system. There will be reinforcement waves spawned every so often (map defined, but can also be server-side) that will release all those players eliminated since the last wave. However, waves may vary per team for different scenarios. Defending teams will generally have less reinforcement since they have the tactical advantage.
  • Q: INS is called a 'realistic' mod, what is the stance on realism in the game?
    A: We want to have a fairly high degree of realism in the mod, but do not want to degrade from the gameplay. There may have to be some sacrifices of realism in order to enhance the gameplay, but for the most part we aim at creating a game that will feel like the player is immersed within an infantry battle along with a high degree of tactics and teamwork. There will be no features included that will be out of the player's control for the sake of realism (i.e. there will be no weapon stoppages/jams).
  • Q: When will Insurgency be released?
    A: At the present time, we do not have a precise release date, but hopefully between Summer - Fall 2005 the first public version will be released. Development will continue with subsequent releases containing new content and fixes to the previous version.

I think SS has to be fast with INF ;) :lol:

Insurgency (INS)


Le Boner
Nov 17, 2002
I've read about their stuff some time ago, and IIRC they had quite different approaches on some topics. I have to reread their whole website to be more precise though.
And competition is stimulating :p
Apr 21, 2003
Well, the idea is the same as INF, but how things turn out to be is another story. I doubt it will be like INF, I highly doubt it. It is near impossible.
I defenitely will play it (if like it), but I doubt they will get that detailed realism as INF can get (cuz I know how SS is).

They were so many so called realism game, but their only realism was ironsight (which was made unrealistic anyway). Realism means a lot more. Ironsights are just 5% of what can be made ingame realistic.

But yes, SS have to hurry up, they have to.


Elitist bastard
Aug 11, 2004
in urban Michigan(mostly)
Lt. goes & registers with the INS forums.

the INS people have a thread about us and the move to HL2 Here, an interesting read..
oh and The_Punisher and erehwoN were there, showin' the INF-colors. ;)

but what the heck, INF & INS? double the reason to buy HL2! :D
(..still, they should have come up with their own name:rolleyes:)
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Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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The unfortunate problem that people don't seem to realize is that mods don't emerge fully formed. Inf for Unreal/UT used to be just a crude weapons mod without even having it's own playermodel. Don't think for a moment that these steps can somehow be skipped the second time around. A mod is a huge body of work, and no amount of pretty sounding ideas or cool roadmap promises is going to change that.

As for INS as competition...
I can love a sequel while hating the original. Gameplay is fickle. Chances are our two mods will play so different, 'competition' won't even be a consideration for most of us. Play what you like.


Lookin' down the iron-sights...
Aug 9, 2004
Brisbane, Australia
(from the INS forum page) too many a times mod teams, when faced with competition, will just go "WOW OUR MOD WILL PWN THEIRS", which all it does is make for some bad blood between the two. I've been in the center of a lot of drama in situations like this, and a single dev member speaking out against the mod insulting it's quality is something that looks unprofessional and immature.
Well at least there's a few INS guys that arn't cocky. The 'I think INF sucks' to 'Don't knock it' ratio is way tilted to the former.

Good in ya The_Punisher and erehwoN for making a neutral stand. I wish both mods good lick. Hopefully the END RESULT of both mods will be something awesome.
Apr 21, 2003
How could I miss this thread at the INS forums. I was representing INF allready aerlier :D :D.

As written in this INS thread, I doubt INS will have such a detailed and realistic 1st person thing. Weapon handling and so on is what reaslly interests me and I bet INF will be more innovative there. But I will check out and play both games, why shouldn't I?


Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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Why does everything in HL2 have to have a green tint to it?

And why does every mod I like have a guy named Jeremy working on it?


Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
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I love the comments over there about INF being too difficult. Put weapon to shoulder, aim, fire. Repeat as neccessary.

If you cannot manage that then step away from the computer and take up one colour finger painting.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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(SDS)If you cannot manage that then step away from the computer and take up one colour finger painting.


And yes, I was being slightly sarcastic in my first post. The word "unique" implies that it hasn't been done before. Which, in this case, is not correct.

However, I'm looking forward to trying it out. It seems they have a lot going for them. If it has "the feel", then it will certainly be on my Games-to-play list. Some people say I'm extremly picky about the games I play and they are right. Any shooter that doesn't have "the feel" is a waste of time in my eyes, but as always, it's all about personal preference.

I don't consider INS a competitor to INF or vice versa. I see it more as another star added to the sky for people to look at. If it's in any way to be considered competition, then it's competition in a good way. Maybe we can even learn from eachother. I wish the INS dev team best of luck.
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Koohii o nomimasu ka?
(SDS)benmcl said:
I love the comments over there about INF being too difficult. Put weapon to shoulder, aim, fire. Repeat as neccessary.

If you cannot manage that then step away from the computer and take up one colour finger painting.

Actually, I'm not surprised... after a girl I know told me she didn't like driving manual cars bacause you had too many things to do at the same time (you know... pressing the clutch, changing speed, watching your speed, looking in the mirrors and on the sides and all... ouff), no comment of that sort will ever surprise me.

I guess that normal people are not used to count the rounds they fire. Keep track of their mags, etc.
Apr 21, 2003
You're picky? I name myself hardcore picky. I went so far, that INF and Alien Versus Predator 1 are the single games, byside Project IGI and Unreal 1, that I play. I´m kinda on a retro trip.
Most games bore me as hell. Only the Hitman series are the newer game I´m interested in.

About the feel, you just said my thoughts here, the above named games are those which create a special feel, even if I must hate some of them due to unrealism and other flaws. But anyways they rock. All the new games just bore me.

As I allready said, It's physically not possible that INF and INS will be in any way identical. I know SS and their way of implementing realism details (weapon stuff and so), never INS will reach that level, not because the INS devs can't do it, they sure can, but they just simply wont, create such 'insane' details.
And I hope SS will go even more 'insane' in INF:Source than they did :D

I don't see any problem in playing both games, because they will be definitely different.

Lol, that reminds me on the Raven Shield and SWAT4 forums. Someone suggest: 'Hey, what about if the bullet counter is not displayed, just the magazines'
An other answers: 'Yeah man, good idea!'. And other says; 'Nah man, that would suck donkey cock'.
I was just near dying laughing, I thought I´m on da wrong planet.

Also SWAT4. Someone says: 'Ironsight? dude thats to realistic, you know reality can't be displayed in the game, keep it crosshairs'.
I was just killin myself laughing.

Man, Infiltration is my home, man. Here is where I do belong.
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Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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I think Yurch's post might have slipped through. There is no way we'll see anything as polished as 2.9 for a first or second release of Infiltration on Source. It took over four years to get Infiltration into the shape of 2.9. Remember, people are doing this in their spare time, without any sort of reward other than people's recognition of their work. I wish there was a magic formula that could be used, but unfortunately, there isn't. It will take time. Lots of time.