Ok, some thoughts.
1. Infantry
I just think the first release should have a solid infantry gamemode, which is about beeing an enhanced TDM.
Large scaled till medium ranged maps with frontlines (symetric, asymetric and always variating).
Area capturing/dominating and enemy force elimination would be the objective.
With a larger ammount of players they are respawns and the battle can take some time. With just few players the gamemode turns into a respawnless 'last standing army' gamemode.
A long battle requires a larger ammount of players, so if the Sentry Studios will make the game kickass fun the player count wont be a problem
- As suggested before, a small CQB SF unit on one of the teams can have a special task to get some stuff from the enemy lines.
- The game can simulate real events, fictional army versus army (which is unlikely in rela life), or just different cammos with a free firearm selection (as long it is all infantry).
2. Spec Ops
If co-op can't be made, I would still LOVE to see a SpecOps gamemode.
a) One team would be the few SpecOps. Their task is to take some secret documents, sabotaging, assasinating an A.I officer somehwere in the base, or whatever.
b) The opposite team would be the regular infantry with a larger ammount of solders protecting a base (village, or other). And now comes the fun!; They have jeeps with MG's mounted, stationary MG's and maybe one or two A.I. controlled tanks.
The base have these large serchinglights scanning the area, it can be controlled by an A.I. soldier.
To make it realistic, the game can begin by a warning of an attack of unknown soldiers from an unknown direction (the base controlling soldiers are warned), because the players know it anyway.
They is no chat between the living and dead, to prevent warnings of where the SpecOps breaked a hole in the defense (to give the SpecOps a chance).
- I imagine having some iraqi base in the desert. It is night. The soldiers are iraqi forces with AK's and A.I. T-72 tanks.
The SpecOps can be U.S, British, German, or whatever.
- It can simulate real events, army vs. army, or freestyle.
3. CQB
And I would love to have some pure fun CQB SF vs. CQB SF gameplay on smaller maps, I really would. Just some pure unit versus unit tactis.
- It would be rather a fun mode, a bit mindless. Total free firarm selection (SMG's and so on).
- Of course the teams can be limitted in armory to use the same weapons, like in real life.
When possible, in the future, a co-op gamemode can be made, with idle A.I. soldiers and a special stealth missions, that can take for 'hours'.
I only don't know how to deal with dead players, they would be bored to death after few minuters, maybe a kind of re-insertion?
Well, that's it.