Inf poor counterstrike clone HL mod??

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"Building Better Worlds"
Jul 6, 2000
I....I'm sorry....your last two posts made no sense to me. Here have a



It hurts.
Oct 6, 2000
I'm afraid it's human nature. Wise man say, man with soap box will preach. This fellow didn't even play the game.

Joel 'Razorflower' Bailey


Staying Alive.
Nov 25, 2001
Hong Kong
and those shots used were from 2.86. i was wondering what our inf guy was doing in dm-stelwart ;) 2.9 looks way better than that. but still, though i have to say that some half life mods are pumping higher res and better textured weapons than inf, but i choose inf over them because of what it has original - gameplay... this is the only game where i can actually spend so many hours at the range practicing with the weapons and getting familiar with them (even if its for shooting up bots)... and the all new idea if implementing your own weapons is also unheard of... no mod of any kind has offered that much in community freedom to my knowledge. id wish that the man would give the game a bit of a try before publishing something in a magazine. (also, reading the captions in gaming mags to pics makes me wanna cry).

EDIT:zeep, the translation in your little pic isnt quite correct - the chinese says 'burn his whole family, beat his mother' :D
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Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
I'm thinking of showing them (the editorial staff of PCZone Benelux) how INF is gonna be played with good teams playing against each other... maybe even on a clan server with clans playing some demo matches for them to spectate or even to take part. If a clan or a group of community members is interested then please inform me and/or discuss this here.
Nothing against the TDM action community here but if he tested out TDM online with all those more or less fun mutators then he can actually get a very false impression easily. So a match with teams playing as teams and playing EAS and Spec missions would show much more of INF and its potential than a StandOff TDM imo.

If we can offer something like this then I will ask them if they want to use this offer. So if folks from europe would be interested in hosting and taking part in something like this, then give me a call and post/discuss it here, thanks.



New Member
Jan 7, 2003
ILCR has tons of matches every week. I am sure many of the clans (including PR :) ) would be willing to have their match recorded, or to even stay on for a second match to be demorec'd. Unfortunately, as I understand it, there is no good way to get demorec's to work with INF.


just fooling around
Dec 9, 2001
To tell you the truth Beppo I do think that these people do not care. If they'd they wouldn't write such crap. He would have played the game (online) and would have noticed that his screenshots are rubbish. He would have got the fact that INF is the best mod ever for Halflife ;)
It's pretty easy: Hey Jon we have free space in the mod section, write an article. Now you are searching a few minutes for an unknown Mod (CS is known, INF not) and write your crap after looking at some screens. Maybe he knew INF for HL2 and thought this is the INF for HL. Then you take a short glance at the HP (so that you miss that INF is for UT) and write your stuff: "Another cheap [there are so many cheap clones of games ...] clone of **** You ]I[ ...."
And guys do you really think they are going to answer your mails? I send several mails to several german game mags because they have written **** about something and none got a replay and nothing has been changed. And yes I was polite in my mails. ;)

Save your time, save your nerves and don't care. If people are interested in such games like INF they'll find their way to us (I did), if they don't bad luck.


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
Actually they replied already... and asked for an interview, exclusiv screenshots, facts about our current development stuff, a monthly dev diary aso. I then told him that INF 2.9 is for UT and was already released on Dec. 1st, 2003 and is the final official version for UT'99 and that the next version is in its very early stages so that a monthly diary doesn't make much sense right now. I guess I will get another reply later today, tho.


Feb 16, 2001
Visit site
They better get their facts straight this time. And just in case you've pointed them to this thread i'll hold on further cursing.

Still magazines should doublecheck articles before they print. Shait like that can easily ruin games. If not carreers. Stupid ****s.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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I think it's fair to say that everyone who has worked on 2.9 in one form or another are proud of what they have accomplished. I know I am for my small part in making it all happen. When someone writes crap about something you have poured blood, sweat and tears into without even bothering to check if the statements made have a foundation in reality, you get angry. At least I do. It's even worse when it's a fairly large magazine which obviously have an impact on what people would want to play.

To other wannabe reviewers out there : It is normally considered helpful to actually play the game you are writing a review for. It might even be a good thing to do some research prior to the review in order to get the facts straight.


just fooling around
Dec 9, 2001
Oh, I am shuting up on this point Beppo. Great that they've replied. :)

[ignore to save time, not really ontopic]
I gave it up getting angry because of everything papers write which is for 100% crap (cause I know it better ;) ), I can understand it though that you get angry if something you worked on, something you put your time in is presented in a total false way.
One or two years ago I bought gaming mags, in fact I bought two every month (around 15€ :rolleyes: ), the two biggest in Germany, I stopped it now because they are allways writing the same stuff and sometimes I am sure that they did not play the game e.g. PC Games gave Killer Loop less than 30% "Fun Points", I bought it for 2,5€ and it is making fun.
I bought Anachronox both magazines wrote that it isn't that good, that the graphics aren't good (ok that's true somehow, but they did not write that there is so much "love" in the graphic, you or better I see it and then it's looking better) ... They did not write about the dialogues, which are making fun of games at all and they did not write about the great Credits ;) (I guess they did not see them). There was also a video, there you could see that they did not leave Anachronox at all, they showed a boring scene ...
But on the other hand they wrote that some games are soooo great that you have to play them and I think that they were boring as hell.

Those magazines are allways writing that fun counts, but then they write that the game has bad graphics and if it had better they'd give it more points. I can have fun with "ugly" games, I can have fun playing DOOM now, what's about you? Do you have less fun playing an ugly game than a nice one?
[/I warnded you ;)]


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
The last time I bought a games mag is more than 5 years ago or so... if not even longer. The reason for this is that the editors seem to become more and more biased. There's a simple rule... without advertising your magazine will die. Without pre-release versions of games or hardware your magazine will die. Without invitations to game developer booths on shows like the E3 your magazine will die. Without special interviews or world premieres your magazine will be just one out of dozens and so will not be of interest for most out there. In addition the internet magazines are getting better and better. So the printed media has to 'look' good and needs titles on their front pages that everyone knows or has heard of etc.
In the last couple of years the number of 'available' publishers decreased drastically. So the number of 'top' games (that are made top by media, not by content) increases cause the smaller number of publishers controls the market AND the infos and previews given out to gaming magazines. So the editors have to make good reviews and previews of upcomming games to stay in business. If the rating drops too low then they will not get the worlds first chance to write an article about a specific game the next time. None of the magazines out there that is in the top selling charts is independent. Most are part of world wide operating publishing houses for printed media.

So, whenever you open up a gaming magazine and you read about how cool this or that game is and what makes it so special, you better check out the demos and (independent) articles found in the internet too. The gaming magazines and the spreading advertisements, TV commercials aso are there to synchronize the end-users to finally buy this or that specific game... and if not buying it then at least playing the cracked versions on the internet. Multiplayer capabilities is almost a must nowadays. Just look at the great titles that were stopped during the past weeks and months just because 'there is no market for them right now'. Stuff like 'Sam and Max 2', 'Full Throttle 2' ... great adventures... and such huge fan bases that would blindly buy these games... but the publisher dictates and so these titles are put back in a drawer somewhere. In this case I really don't see why Lucasarts (who are the producers and publishers in the end) pulls the emergency brake... they have enough money to publish something like this blindly and without caring for the market... but I go way OT now.

Anyway... ratings found in magazines are pure advertising nowadays... and nothing that comes close to any form of journalistic research or true testing.

A hype is generated for the 'top' games out there and the crowd is following. Who is on top is defined by the big publishers out there and not by independent media or even the end users.

@mat69... they haven't replied since I told them about our next project being in its early stages. I guess Almost was right by saying that they only wanted to get as much details about our next project instead of 'caring' about what they messed up with their article. Well 'caring'... which editor out there still 'cares' for what they write in a media that is already forgotten a week after it was printed and released.

Anyway... maybe they will reply ... maybe not.... who really cares.
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You Give Odie a Boner
Nov 19, 2001
Austin Texas

You need a EAS/Spec Server for a game Demo for this moron you let me know, it is yours! I am sure I can get a few (if not more than a few) GD's to play. Then perhaps a Euro team for the other side. I can even record our TS coms duing the game and this guy will know what Inf and Team work is all about.

CS Clone my ass! This guy is on crack (and not very good crack)!


Feb 16, 2001
Visit site
Which was it again? pczone?

Schijtblad is het. Pczone? Bah, Sukkelzone is beter. Nederlandse pczone eikels. Beetje beter je huiswerk doen voordat je zomaar een mod de grond in lult. Want dat doe je, lullen.


A piece of **** magazine is what it is. Pczone? Gargh, loserzone is better. Dutch pczone dicks. Next time, do your homework before trashtalking a mod. Because that's what you do, talking trash.

Hell i'm gonna mail the mag myself, i got lots more anger for the editor. No use posting it here because they obviously dont care. I'll bet you that if you checked out that writers pc, he'll have counter strike installed himself. With a ****load of cheats to go with it.
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Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
@zeep, really no need to get angry... but if you guys from Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg) want to write some 'reader letters' (letter to the editor) for their readers corner or whatever they call it then feel free to do so. I think some clarifications about INF should be enough to get it printed... if you guys stay polite and only explain their errors instead of flaming them to death ;)
I'm not very familiar in writing dutch, so I have to count on you guys to do the trick, hehe. :)


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
{GD}Odie3 said:
This guy is on crack (and not very good crack)!

Nah! he's just a lazy ass... I'm pretty sure he never actually played nor even installed the mod. Saying it's an HL mod kinda shows he never installed the thing. From what I understand he even put in screenshots from this site (instead of taking his own screenshots).

Incompetence at it's best.