Oh, I am shuting up on this point Beppo. Great that they've replied.
[ignore to save time, not really ontopic]
I gave it up getting angry because of everything papers write which is for 100% crap (cause I know it better

), I can understand it though that you get angry if something you worked on, something you put your time in is presented in a total false way.
One or two years ago I bought gaming mags, in fact I bought two every month (around 15€

), the two biggest in Germany, I stopped it now because they are allways writing the same stuff and sometimes I am sure that they did not play the game e.g. PC Games gave Killer Loop less than 30% "Fun Points", I bought it for 2,5€ and it is making fun.
I bought Anachronox both magazines wrote that it isn't that good, that the graphics aren't good (ok that's true somehow, but they did not write that there is so much "love" in the graphic, you or better I see it and then it's looking better) ... They did not write about the dialogues, which are making fun of games at all and they did not write about the great Credits

(I guess they did not see them). There was also a video, there you could see that they did not leave Anachronox at all, they showed a boring scene ...
But on the other hand they wrote that some games are soooo great that you have to play them and I think that they were boring as hell.
Those magazines are allways writing that fun counts, but then they write that the game has bad graphics and if it had better they'd give it more points. I can have fun with "ugly" games, I can have fun playing DOOM now, what's about you? Do you have less fun playing an ugly game than a nice one?
[/I warnded you
