Well, either way, I think we can all agree that UT's maps shouldn't look like UT3's. Seriously, that crap was dark and grimy, I couldn't see anything. This is gonna sound weird but there was too much detail as well and as a result, everything just looked so cluttered and distracting on top of everything else. UT2004 also suffered this to a lesser degree with a lot of techy detail EVERYWHERE. Technogrates, technolights, technopipes...
Yeah, we really need to avoid all this for at least most of the maps. Even though UT99 is now 15 years old, I'm beginning to appreciate its overall level design more and more. Detailed enough to look halfway decent (for a 90's game) yet still clean and neat and easy to spot other players in and also varied enough to feel, well, unreal. It felt like I was playing a shooter that was going between all these different worlds. With UT2004, all the base maps were mostly just visits to Technoland, and with UT3, it was visits to Gearsofwarland.
DISCLAIMER: I really liked the Gears of War series.