Originally posted by Astyanax
Hey StoneViper, how long do you think it took me to make the geometry of CTF-Sfear][ and to get rid of all HOM?![]()
2 and a half months???
Originally posted by Astyanax
Hey StoneViper, how long do you think it took me to make the geometry of CTF-Sfear][ and to get rid of all HOM?![]()
Originally posted by StoneViper
2 and a half months???
Originally posted by StoneViper
actually my very first map CTF-MiniArena took me about 2 weeks, but im not much proud of it
Originally posted by StoneViper
yeah, it's too bad when you look up in that map you get a slight slowdown, much more slowdown on other machines. I'm hoping with my sphere map (where you travel the outside of it) will have good framerates for the lower-end machines.
Originally posted by Astyanax
Originally posted by StoneViper
never heard of it. Frankly i never heard on a tetrahydron either before i started using ued, but i wanted more smaller pieces instead of few larger ones. I wan't more than six
Originally posted by Astyanax
You might want to be carefull when constructing a sphere with more smaller pieces, because you'll run out of zones (only 64 are allowed) very quickly.
Also you have to watch out because you can't see more than 3 warpzones deep.
If you like the icosahedron idea, I could provide you with the proper equations, I still have them in my calculator from the time I was trying to make CTF-Sfear.
Originally posted by StoneViper
you can't see more than 3 warpzone deep??. I construced an hallway that had no beginning and no end. It was of infinite length. I used warpzones. i had to make the halls long though, after you traveled down the hallway and passed a warpzone, a new section would appear. you can even shoot yourself in the back (literally) with this technich because you can see through the end of the hall right into the beginning of it. Kinda weird.
Originally posted by StoneViper
The equations??, could i really use them, maybe i will stick to the few larger sections like you did.
Originally posted by Chrysaor
I still say you're all crazy![]()
Originally posted by Chrysaor
No i'm not, who plays CTF-Sfear][? no offense, but it's not a lasting joy to play.
Originally posted by Chrysaor
Well, funniest i would agree with, but funnest i thing a map needs some more variation to be fun. I agree it's fun to watch the bots, i lol-ed for awhile in spec mode, but it's too abnormal for me to play often. (IMO)