help with monsters!

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Jan 20, 2004
ok, im building this UT map with Unreal Editor 2.0
im trying to add in 'monsters' (scripted pawns) that roam around, etc. but whenever i add any, the map won't start, it treats the pawn as an actual player i think. . . :hmm:
is there ne way 2 correct this? is this even possible with UT?


Good news everyone!
Nov 12, 2002
GateCrasher88 said:
ok, im building this UT map with Unreal Editor 2.0
im trying to add in 'monsters' (scripted pawns) that roam around, etc. but whenever i add any, the map won't start, it treats the pawn as an actual player i think. . . :hmm:
is there ne way 2 correct this? is this even possible with UT?

hi, long ago, in a galaxy far far away, i made a bunch of unreal maps, full of skaarj, kralls, mercs, stone titans, gasbags, flies and fishies, ie. monster maps. These eventually found their way into UT, and lived there briefly before coming to enternal rest in the recycle bin...
As i recall, it should be as easy as this:
1. Make sure you have actual player starts in your map and that the map works.
2. Close UEd2, open UnrealTournament.ini in Notepad and search for "bNoMonsters=true". This will show up under gametype specific settings - for example in "[Botpack.DeathMatchPlus]". Make sure "bNoMonsters=false" for the gametypes you want to have Unreal monsters in (or just set them all to "false" if u always want monsters :)
3. Go back into UEd2 add in a scripted pawn monster example a krall. Just to be clear, do this: Actor Browser -> Pawn -> Scripted Pawn-> Krall -> Krall Elite (or whatever) drop him in your map in 3d view and mak sure he's in there correct (ie, not half in the wall or floor)
4. re-build the map and then play, the krall should be there and wanna fight with you...
5. u can then play with his properties afterwards to customize his behavior a bit ...

That should be all u basically have to do (did it hundreds of times). If this doesn't work for u, make a copy of your unrealtournament.log file after running the map, you might be missing some things - post back and we'll figure it out with the log, etc...

u might want to look into "creature-factories" for your map, if u haven't yet --imagine triggering an army of swarming monsters!!!! u haven't lived until u do that :D
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Jan 20, 2004
yea, the nali guy worked fine but the problem was that the map couldn't start for some reason. . . .
but i figured it out, there were some wierdo actors in the map (couldn't even see 'em until i changed the actor view to Icon View) that i deleted and after that, the map worked fine
thanx 4 the help :tup:
I did it a different way. I was messing around once, like 4 years ago with DM-AbsoluteZero and I wanted my mercs to appear ingame. I didnt mess with the ini file at all, I went into the properties of the placed merc pawns in my map and changed some the bNet properties and such in advanced properties and they worked.

Map still sucked anyway tho.


Jan 20, 2004
nah it works; i've been fooling around with the pawn properties, such as projectile, sounds, size, and speed

any tips or cool combos that i could try? (like, a Krall that shoots rockets, a Skaarj Warrior that shoots ASMD shots, etc)


Feb 5, 2000
Set the creature's "always relevant" and "game relevant" to true in the creatures "advanced" dropdown...this will not work with spawned (creature factory) creatures. There is a mod someone created with a tag that you can put in your game that will force spawned creatures to always and game relevant, but you'll have to search for the mod 'cause I can't remember what the name is.

If you alter your game settings to have the creatures appear, then they still won't appear on anyone elses 'puter who hasn't altered their own settings.


Jan 20, 2004
the map will only suck if u implement the creatures like a retard

The best gametypes to use creatures are CTF and AS. Simply tossing creatures into a DM map will ruin the map and make the author look bad. But in a CTF map, u could add another path to the flag that is much shorter than the others but has the added risk of encountering monsters. Or in AS, provide an alternate goal that seems easier but has dangerous monsters lurking nearby. . . .
dont just think Deathmatch