dinwitty said:I think we need a push up from "Tournament" it needs to go that next level.
If it sticks with "Tournament" I'd say...
Unreal Tournament: Vengeance.
I don't really fly with UT3, since UT its been UT2k3 then 2k4, but I'd have to put the 2nd iteration of UT together as the culmination of UT2 style.
UT3 doesnt seem to "Kick" on me.
I still like Unreal Warfare, that kicks the game up a notch.
And Conquest matches to that idea.
..I wonder what happened to that non-Unreal universe game idea they kicked around..
Mr.Magnetichead said:Unreal Warfare
Selerox said:Unreal Tournament: Warfare would be more accurate. It's been made clear that this is an Unreal Tournament game.
Mr.Magnetichead said:And?
No.Symbolikal said:Doesn't Mr.Magnetichead work for Epic?
Selerox said:It'll mean the game is called Unreal Tournament. Otherwise, (obviously) it's not an UT game.
Symbolikal said:Doesn't Mr.Magnetichead work for Epic? .