Isn't that a little like sueing the manufacturer of your television because your unsupervised kid saw Superman and decided to see if he could fly by jumping off the roof of your apartment building? Even if the case were legit and videogames actually did influence violent behaviour, I don't understand how Sony is responsible for the game being on their console.Sony will also be named in the lawsuit, because Grand Theft Auto was made exclusively for its Play- Station consoles. Sony declined to comment on the case.
It's obvious that these 'tards are only after money.
It's also interesting that they proudy state that a 14 year old and a 16 year old were playing an MA18 rated game unsupervised and don't seem to see any poblem with it. Where the f*ck were their parents during all this?
Every generation has had to deal with this bull****. The parents of my parents believed that Rock and Roll music was the source of all evil in the world. The only difference is that people weren't nearly as sue-happy as they are today.