The map-list isn't up-to-date. Unfortunately, I'm too busy with mapping at the moment so the whole PR-thing isn't updated right now.
The pack will have the following maps (as it is)
Mappos ported by me (Faust, that is):
ONS-Maps ported by Sanitöter (first I was sceptical about this, but the maps actually play very nice) :
new maps:
XMP-GFP-Prometheus (by zer0)
XMP-GFP-Helltube (by Fry)
XMP-GFP-Grassyknoll (by Fry & Bender, CTF-Port)
XMP-GFP-Aphelion (by Spacelord)
XMP-GFP-FCB-Reloaded (by Fry & Bender)
XMP-GFP-Monastery (by Faust)
XMP-GFP-ArTrainer (by AndRelax, now with additional german voices!
Bantinh and Jungle didn't make it, due to the tight schedule, perhaps they will come later as common custom-maps.
Well, it's a strange feeling since it's the first time I see the whole list together