Game: Dead Island

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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
that's dumb. It should be a challenge.
I really just don't get where you're going with it.

L4D, after playing it for a few months, was really easy even melee only.

So Valve made it more challenging by making it so that tactics from L4D didn't work as well in L4D2.. and, what?

Developers make games challenging by watching how people play other games. When L4D first game out, it was hard as crap. As time went on, people learned how to deal with the difficulty in different ways. So Valve made most of those ways inoperable in the next game.

I haven't got into L4D2 as much as I did L4D, though. Did people figure out how to get through places like the stadium entrance area on expert without replaying the level 500 times?

Twisted Metal

Anfractuous Aluminum
Jul 28, 2001
Long Island, NY
I just hope that it's not cheap like L4D where a creature can completely disable you with one pounce. I know it's a team game and all but it pisses me off when everyone's down and you're trying to save them, and out of nowhere a hunter jumps on you. The fact that they home in on you like a heat seeking missile doesn't help either. Give me a dodge button! For Christs sake.
I just hope that it's not cheap like L4D where a creature can completely disable you with one pounce. I know it's a team game and all but it pisses me off when everyone's down and you're trying to save them, and out of nowhere a hunter jumps on you. The fact that they home in on you like a heat seeking missile doesn't help either. Give me a dodge button! For Christs sake.

If you suck that bad at the game, sorry for your lots bro.

Never really had an issue with them. You can hear them coming and shot at them or melee them as they pounce.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
So this is out now. To me, it plays and feels a lot like an arcade. Pretty much everything in here is tuned to an on rails experience if you ask me (but it's not on rails). There are lots of out of control moments where you are falling and you can't do anything about it. There are QTEs every time a zombie grapples you. They were obviously not shooting for immersion at all.

I can see there is a market for it and it IS fun pummeling zombies. But for $50? Hmm... no.


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Damn, Brizz, do you buy every game as soon as it comes out?

I'm interested in this game, but to be honest, I'm still backlogged (Dead Space 2 is sitting on my HD, tempting me to avoid working on my thesis, likewise for Metro 2033, Deathspank, and a handful of other games. Not to mention that I want to play through The Witcher 2 again, also DX:HR) and 'tis the season for a game release every freaking week that I'm excited about.


The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
it's supposed to be out by today but no game :(
at least this way I got time for DE:HR :)


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
So this is out now. To me, it plays and feels a lot like an arcade. Pretty much everything in here is tuned to an on rails experience if you ask me (but it's not on rails). There are lots of out of control moments where you are falling and you can't do anything about it. There are QTEs every time a zombie grapples you. They were obviously not shooting for immersion at all.

I can see there is a market for it and it IS fun pummeling zombies. But for $50? Hmm... no.

Yeah that is what I am getting from all the reviews. The trailer made the game out to be some emotional journey that shows what the zombie apocalypse can do to your mental well being. Instead we get what you described above. I may very well hold off on my purchase now. Granted the scores it is getting are well above average and that there is fun to be had with the game, but the bugs need to be ironed out first.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
It looks like Far Cry......