One does not really get a good card for $200. $350 is more likely for something tha can push Far Cry and beyond, and you can still go higher.
Regardless, Far Cry is an unfortunately slow running game. While it has a lot of impressive features, Doom 3 is a technological marvel and makes Far Cry look quite clunky in comparison. Certainly, Far Cry looks better and is probably capable of more than UT2004, but that doesn't really say a hell of a lot.
And, yes, I do need an upgrade; doesn't really change the fact that Far Cry is not incredibly impressive in terms of technological innovation. It takes a lot of new tech and puts it together well, but it's hardly as impressive as Doom 3 and HL2.
Lastly, I am not confusing content with technological capability. Hell, I made that exact argument exactly one page back. Give me some credit, here.