then no one would read it.
I agree with Dante, the mod (including me) wanted different things...
But now we have a much clearer plan (long term) in mind...
such things as with the dropships should be removed for defenders.
Me and Spec started to draw up a list of features that had to be dropped and gameplay features that where to complex to understand. off the top of my head of plan:
- The enemy spawns in two ways.
1) Outdoors : In Drop Pods which hold more than 1 person, so only say 5 pods max on screen landing.
2) Indoors : Spawn via enemy held points
- The enemy do not fire countless projectile weapons
1) They fire a slow single shot projecticle weapon
2) Second weapon is an instant hit weapon
- The numbers of Enemy are reduced.
- The enemy will become slower and more armoured to counter act the fewer numbers ingame
- The games objectives will be much simple
1) A single winzone (instant or delayed)
2) Multiple control points to capture (they are in a number ordered, some can be re-taken by defenders, most are lost to enemy once taken, ie. somthing destroyed)
3) Hold out, the defenders have a pool of lives they use up when they die. Once it reaches 0 they lose (this can be added to Options 1) and 2) or can be a game in itself
Most of this is already in the mod... in some form or another and some is not.
I think if we had a fully working plan and kept to it, we would have more fun, and maybe dante wouldnt be so pissed off with us and left
Im still intending to create a plan (something we never had at the start anyway)
which is a lot simple and straight forward for coders,mappers,fans,anyone to understand....